In Bavaria occurring every minute dramatic, sad, disturbing and curious, even humorous stories. ABC Online collects these messages from all regions of the Free State in the great Bayern ticker.
Metal-strikes in Bavaria hit the auto industry
20:16: Ingolstadt / Munich – After fruitless bargaining in the metal and electrical industry on Friday massive strikes in Bavaria started. Especially it hit the automotive industry here. Immediately after the end of the peace obligation midnight lodged with Audi in Ingolstadt about 5,000 employees for two hours, the work down – it was the largest nationwide action. At BMW in Dingolfing, IG Metall expects to start the evening shift on Saturday even with 5500 participants.
The union spoke of “good participation in combative mood”. Total expected in the Free State until the end of the first day of action about 18 000 people took part in strikes in some 40 companies, a spokesman said.
For the metal employers’ organizations said CEO Bertram Brossardt that strikes are disproportionate and unnecessary escalation. Until May 5, the Bavarian IG Metall wants to call more 10,000 employees in over 100 companies to work stoppages. Collective bargaining in Bavaria to be continued in the second week of May
raid for illegal collusion in bidding
14:35:. Landshut – Because of illegal collusion in tendering of the drinking water supply projects, the police objects in Bavaria and two other states – including Baden-Württemberg – searched. In this extensive documents were ensured police headquarters Lower Bavaria said on Friday.
For several months, the prosecutor’s office in Landshut had determined against six accused. Among them are those in charge of an engineering firm from the western district of Landshut and the companies involved. They are said to have agreed with calls for projects in the field of drinking water supply. This should Client accept the offer of a certain company, which had set an excessive compared to the market price.
A total of 18 properties have been searched. The focus was in Bavaria, two raids were in Baden-Württemberg and in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Pegnitz-floater. Toter is 37 years old man from Nuremberg
10:37: Nürnberg – the police have released the identity of the dead found in the Nuremberg Pegnitz on Thursday. If it were a 37-year-old man from Nuremberg, a police spokesman said Friday. He had not been reported missing. The cause of death was initially unclear. The spokesman said it, it must wait for the result of the autopsy. This should be carried out on Friday afternoon. A passerby had discovered the lifeless body in the Nuremberg river and called the police. Firefighters retrieved the corpse
Aircraft at Nuremberg of runway from
9:00 of the Pegnitz. Nürnberg – On the Nuremberg Airport is at night Friday, a machine of Onur Air from the runway strayed. was injured in the incident, no one, as a spokeswoman said. There about 300 people would be in on board the pilot, who had come from the Turkish Antalya via Berlin. After landing in Nuremberg the Airbus A330 had fallen on unpaved ground in the rolling of the right main landing gear. The pulping machine was then raised on a special vehicle back onto the runway. The cause was initially unclear. Flight operations the information to not be affected
imprisoned by mistake: Cat after four days of garage exempted
7:45:. Selb – four days was imprisoned a cat in Selb in district Wunsiedel in a garage before the police released them. Residents had noticed the predicament of the quadruped and on Thursday alerted the shelter, the police announced on Friday. The employee notified the clerk’s office that made the homeowner and the tenant of the garage locate. Since both were unavailable, moved to the police and freed – significantly in the Liberty Street – the sitting at the window Cat. She was brought to the shelter. “The cat was doing well,” said a police spokesman. The garage tenant is committed abroad and gave officials at opposite later to have the stray probably included by mistake before his departure
IG Metall start
6:00: Ingolstadt – After the fruitless bargaining in the metal and electrical industry first strikes were launched in Bavaria. In the Volkswagen subsidiary Audi in Ingolstadt IG Metall called in the early hours of Friday some 5,000 participants to work stoppages. Thus, the action at Audi is likely to be Germany’s largest at the start of the warning strike wave of union. It calls five percent more money for more than 800 000 employees in Bayern.
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On Thursday the talks had been suspended without result in Augsburg. Employers offered a pay increase of 2.1 percent for two years in two stages retroactively from 1 April onwards as well as a one-off payment of 0.3 percent of annual salary. The Bavarian IG Metall chief Jürgen Wechsler criticized, however, that this is expected to twelve months is only a pay increase of 1.05 percent
In the video:. Edeka defends itself against accusations with video

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