it is often advantageous if the position of the interlocutor knows in advance negotiations. Someone seems that in the discussions on a third rescue package for Greece thought to have. Because on the Wikileaks on Saturday published wiretap transcripts documenting a telephone conversation of three employees of the International Monetary Fund, which to exchange information about the strategy in the negotiations with Athens and its EU backers.
at the beginning of March, the” Welt am Sonntag “reported that the IMF will be more flexible to show in its requirement for Athens – provided that the other donors are prepared to give the Greeks a larger waiver. occupy the Wikileaks documents that the Fund has already made the Europeans in internal negotiations concessions. The organization is willing to accept a lower medium budget surplus. But it sets two conditions: bold reforms on the part of Athens in pensions, wages and taxes. And debt relief of Europeans. But it is interesting especially as odds are the negotiators. The IMF staff appear annoyed about the fact that the European Commission – if the Fund to meet her comes with a compromise for Athens -. These concessions uses the opportunity to offer the Greeks even more
- 1. Secret protocols
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- . 3 funeral in Cologne
- . 4 Brussels
- . 5 secret
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