you do not know whether to Pieter Haas for new job to congratulate. After the split of the retail group Metro, the 52-year-old Dutchman Chief of electronics retailer Media Saturn to be. He already is. But after cell division Media Saturn will be an independent company, namely a stately 22 billion euros and 65,000 employees in 15 countries. It could be enough for the MDAX. And Haas will be at the top management – actually a dream. If not for the long standing dispute with major shareholder Erich Kellerhals. The sale of the majority of Media-Saturn-shares in Metro has made the founder years ago a billionaire, but with the remaining 22 percent are far-reaching veto rights connected. How far they go, who is in charge at Media Saturn whether the strategy is right – on these issues, both sides have quarreled for years. According to the 76-year Kellerhals runs at Media Saturn wrong almost everything – even though sales and profits to rise again after a crisis. His favorite enemy: Pieter Haas. This is so remained as Kellerhals’ first reaction to the Metro plans showing. Haas was “a problem” and “an obstacle to cooperation”, he had “serious violations” committed to meet in court, Kellerhals writes on his website. That is no fun for Haas. But he knows what he is getting into. After 15 years of Metro, Media Saturn and Barney with Kellerhals.
- 1. Secret protocols
- . 2 Syria
- . 3 CDU / CSU
- . 4 funeral in Cologne
- . 5 secret
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