In the scandal to the “Panama Papers” track down the offshore companies leads to several heads of state. Several thousand German apparently used such arrangements. Thus the German press comments on the developments to the letterbox companies
“Süddeutsche Zeitung” . “The protection of privacy may , the simplicity of economic activity be honorable sense. Steuertrickserei is not prohibited. But the mailbox is a loophole, a hiding place. this is the place happens to transactions on which shun the light. Shrinks transparency, the criminals grows. the past few years have demonstrated how much criminal energy has flowed into the destruction of the market economy. in view of the many trillions of dollars that are being moved around the world under questionable circumstances, the freedom of economic activity must be restricted. Just as freedom must be protected from terrorism, so deserves market economy to protect them from their enemies “
” Frankfurter Rundschau. “:”. the name is new, the scandal is not that Panama is a haven for tax cheats, surprised no one. The Central American nation is one of the usual suspects, as well as Luxembourg, the Channel Island of Jersey, the city state of Singapore and many more. These tax havens trillion dollar store. Arguments to fight against tax fraud, so there was also before the “Panama Papers” enough. That the Treasury withheld money reduces the revenues of the States destroyed companies, such dishonest companies competitive advantages. The current publications must therefore be primarily an incentive for strengthening the fight against tax fraud proceed than before “
” image. “” guessed one has it, speechless makes it anyway: potentates and Celebrities have their own world made of money, but not only them. In this world, hardly a law and morality is one certainly not. All honest taxpayers are the fools, even the German. Is made possible by small states like Panama, who live by their secrecy and looking away. Other countries or organizations can not do much, it lack the leverage it. Now the excitement is great. Much hypocrisy is attending. It is precisely the Europeans must only in your own yard return, tens of billions could come together: Tricks to avoid taxes to the limit of the legals and beyond – this is not just the invention of any islands behind the wind. In the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Ireland, it is not rare to similarly. The change, is much closer than Panama. That is not much is getting done, the biggest scandal remains “
” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “:” Even those who acquired his fortune and income with “white” shops and tidy taxed has, may have good reasons for these anonymous companies to use, whether to protect privacy, or because the legal security in offshore center higher and the bureaucracy are lower than at home. The presumption of innocence applies, so hard she likes to fall in some names, until the contrary is proved here. Even if the huge data leak sheds light on what opportunities are tax evaders and money launderers still, a wave of indignation is misplaced. The policy does have used the past year to narrow in arduous international negotiations scope for tax evasion and to increase legal hurdles “
” Münchner Merkur “:”. The By drying tax havens Switzerland and Luxembourg is to combat tax evasion and money laundering is not yet won. The caravan has moved on, according to Panama and in other paradises. That’s not new. Still you the hackers who now dragged the shady dealings of the rich into the bright light of day, be thankful: There is currently for Finance Minister Schäuble and the EU no excuse not finally trace the criminal activities at the other end of the world. Just as stolen tax CDs the tax haven Switzerland brought down, which must be “Panama papers” trigger for a campaign against the money mafia to “offshore” -Finanzsümpfen. “
“Der Tagesspiegel” : “Certainly, for many years the OECD countries and their dependent tax evasion countries always act new contracts for transparency and information exchange from. But compliance is not reinforced by effective sanctions, therefore changes little. What was to be done, on the other hand demonstrated involuntarily the German bank. It is not illegal per se to operate such businesses, said the banker, when it was discovered that they are also involved in Panama. Did the EU governments actually take action against tax evasion, they could start right here. You would only “financial deposit in favor of such parties prohibit under penalty that are legally registered in tax and regulatory havens”, already the nightmare would be over. The proposal came from the way Helmut Schmidt. He, too, was not answered “
” Leipziger Volkszeitung “:”. The Icelandic Prime Minister David Gunnlaugsson has his political rise just begun at the moment when the banks of his country were just collapsed , Thanks to European solidarity across the country was that Gunnlaugsson ruled today that crisis. Europe has done a lot that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko gets the trust of its own people and the entire Western world. It wanted to prevent a war. Even so it is heavy that men like Gunnlaugsson and Poroshenko on the long list of those appearing, allegedly transferred to offshore companies in Panama the money. Whether they legally something to debts can come, as will be examined in the case of the other millionaires yet. Morally but apply different standards politicians “
” New Press “:”. Even though the letterbox owner may see it differently: they all agree something. The yaw. The greed for money, greed for more money, the price, some give them, as the local tax authorities. Speak. To the state, for schools, day care centers or police salaries Antisocial action as a business model – which is what Panama Papers has brought to light. Letterbox companies may not always and everywhere be punishable, but they mean for people without morals mobile capital. Property can not be required. From Switzerland to Australia, to the government benches in Panama, outside the parliament building in Reykjavik and also in the French Elysee Palace hell breaks loose – President Hollande promises tough examinations. ? Why only now “
” Badische Zeitung “:” Experience shows that dodgy business the investigators one step ahead of most. Flies a stitch on, is really the next in the market. That must make angry, but not to be resigned to us. Let grateful to those who betray such transactions. They increase the pressure on Turbo capitalists and policy “
” Nürnberger Nachrichten “:”. Who eclipsed his fortune consuming, has in the rarest case noble motives. Most such money comes either from dishonorable transactions, or it should be used for such. Tax fraud is there if possible, even the most harmless crime. Criminals can not impress with moral appeals. But tax tricks end Wealthy, who do not want to put the state in a position to fulfill its tasks, should know that they are risking more than their white vest. They divide and destabilize a country of which they owe a lot to. Put social peace at risk. Those who do so is not only greedy but also inexcusable stupid. “

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