Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Panama Papers: German politicians are calling consequences – ABC Online

Tuesday, 05.04.2016, 06:49
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In the scandal the Panama Papers come gradually new information about the transactions with front companies of heads of state and businesses to light. The extent of the offshore business is still unknown -. German politicians are already calling for consequences

On the revelations concerning transactions with shell companies in tax havens wants federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD ) react with a “transparency register”. “The secrecy must end,” Maas said the Tuesday edition of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, NDR and WDR. The Minister sees this as an important tool in the fight against tax evasion and terrorist financing. To bring letterbox companies from anonymity, Maas will complement the German Money Laundering Act.

Several thousand German used offshore companies

Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt accused the federal government of reforms to block financial sector. “If financial service providers do business with companies whose beneficial owners are not known, they fear severe penalties – but so far they are threatened by the Federal Government no hardship,” said Göring-Eckardt the Tuesday editions of newspapers Funke Mediengruppe. “Instead, the federal government has blocked a tougher stance in Europe.” Necessary be international public registers in which the beneficial owner to be disclosed beyond individual companies. Europe must precede it.

In coordinated reports of media from 80 countries had been accused numerous politicians, athletes and celebrities to have parked their money in offshore companies. Several thousand German should, according to the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” have used shell companies in a law firm in Panama in Panama. “As promoter there were not only German but also foreign banks”, the Tuesday edition of the newspaper reported, citing the analyzed documents.

EU-wide consequences

The law firm Mossack Fonseca defends itself since the release of “Panama Papers” on Sunday against the allegations and maintains the levy of data for prosecution. “These reports are based on assumptions and stereotypes,” said the firm in a four-page opinion. Mossack Fonseca had never been charged or indicted in connection with criminal acts. The firm put as far as possible ensure that she founded companies are not being used for tax evasion, money laundering, terrorist financing or other criminal purposes.

investigations or trials because of possible offenses to it in France, Spain, Australia, Israel, enter Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and India, as authorities said on Monday. The Austrian Financial Market Authority was reviewing two banks in order.

demonstrations in Iceland

In Iceland’s capital Reykjavik demonstrated on Monday, several thousand people against the government. Some of them pelted the government building with bananas, eggs and toilet paper. Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson said to have also co-owned a letterbox company in a tax haven. The opposition presented a censure motion against him. The courts are not far from Gunnlaugsson

Throughout the world more and more celebrities themselves in the public and have -. As World Footballer Lionel Messi and Argentina’s president Mauricio Macri – accusations. Russia reacted angrily to information from the “Panama Papers” of alleged hidden billion in the environment of President Vladimir Putin.

German banks took advantage of services

At least 28 German banks are loud “Süddeutsche Zeitung” have used the services of Mossack Fonseca in recent years. Overall, only the German banks have in the offshore service founded more than 1,200 shell companies or those managed for its clients. Some 500 banks had According to the documents conveyed in recent years using the Registry more than 15,600 offshore companies to their clients. Unclear

is still whether and in which cases have become known by a data leakage activities are criminally relevant in the video: “Totally inappropriate” – Because Panama papers. Mad Icelandic Premier refuge in the middle of TV interview

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