Monday, April 4, 2016

Model 3: Many Tesla customers are likely to abandon their efforts – THE WORLD

Actually it is concealed at Tesla as with most start-ups, when it comes to concrete figures. But since last Thursday is founder and chief Elon Musk is suddenly unusually talkative. Again and again he tells about the messaging service Twitter, were how many units of the new model 3 already “ordered”. The last number was made on: 276,000 units of the new model in just three days.

An impressive figure, finally Tesla has not delivered together in the past four years, only about 107,000 cars worldwide. This raises the question of how binding the orders are actually that currently received by Tesla there.

At first glance, the thing looks pretty fix: It is not enough simply to write only its data on the website, but you need depending on the region immediately in 1000 pay EUR or 1,000 dollars to land on the waiting list for a model. 3 A “deposit” is that, says a spokeswoman for Tesla in Germany. The sum will later offset against the purchase price of the Tesla. 3 The is $ 35,000 cost (around 31,000 euros), but will be delivered no earlier than the end of 2017. ‘/ P>

Money can always be recovered

Tesla CEO Musk used on Twitter is always the word” order “, which is only” can translate order “. But who reads the terms and conditions, finds that you do not place an order, but only a “reservation” closes. Point 3 of the conditions it says: “During this reservation assures you priority in the supply within your region, they shall not constitute a purchase and no appointment of a vehicle.”

For this you must first complete an additional purchase agreement if the actual production of the desired car was imminent. “Until you reach this purchase agreement, your reservation may be canceled at any time, in this case your reservation payment will be fully reimbursed.” In fact, the process therefore is not binding, the money can always be recovered.

You have chosen this method also in the predecessor models S and X, said a Tesla spokeswoman. How have actually led to orders many reservations, the company does not share with. Should a reservation be canceled, Tesla refunded the 1000 Euros in a short time. For the carmaker still the deposit is of course a pleasant thing, finally he gets an interest-free loan to its potential customers. With 276,000 copies reserved this is still over 276 million dollars.

But Musk makes yet another statement on in his tweets – and that is by no means guaranteed: “180,000 model 3 orders within 24 hours selling price. average additional equipment probably $ 42,000, is about $ 7.5 billion in one day, “he wrote on Friday. But that is true only if actually made any reservation would also place an order. But that is extremely unlikely.

subsidies in the US almost

Especially in the US are likely many potential jump customer again before the model is supplied. 3 The reason is simple: Those who currently buys an electric car in the United States, receives a state subsidy of at least $ 7,500, which will be deducted from income tax. However, this subsidy shall be paid only until the manufacturer of the electric car has sold 200,000 copies with the promotion. Then it’s over.

Many American model 3-buyers will therefore probably get nothing. For Tesla already approaching the threshold of 200,000 vehicles. Until the end of 2016 to have been up to 197,000 Tesla’s total sold, the company estimates themselves. Now, not all are approved in the US, about half of its sales in the United States Tesla.

This would mean that there is already half of the funding was taken up later this year. But the production and delivery of the Model 3 begins the end of 2017. Increases Tesla also in the coming year its sales of existing models S and X, the subsidy could already run out shortly after the first model was delivered. 3

But then could for many potential buyers the bill no longer rise, so a car is cheaper than an electric vehicle with a conventional internal combustion engine. In addition, so far it is not clear whether one free can refuel with power the model 3 to the charging stations of Tesla back. This could also negatively affect the cost comparison.

When asked about Twitter on the subsidy issue, writes Musk: “Our production plan should allow a large number of non-X / S-customer gets promotion . ” How to succeed exactly, he does not write. Since Tesla has made quite secretive start-up.

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