Just before the new troika mission in Athens has a leaked report revealed a dispute between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the EU in the Greek bailout. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras demanded that a statement by IMF chief Christine Lagarde. This now explains in a letter to Tsipras that an agreement on a further rescue package still “far away” lies.
“I have repeatedly stressed that we can only support a program that is based on credible and realistic conditions” , Lagarde wrote. “It is to achieve the goal to bring Greece back to growth and to ensure debt sustainability.”The revelations portal WikiLeaks had published the transcript of an IMF conference call on March 19 on Saturday. It had high-level representatives of the Fund discuss their negotiating strategy with respect to the third aid program for Greece. They discussed how to Greece, Germany and the EU pressure could be exerted in order to come in April to an agreement.
The government in Athens reacted on Saturday with an emergency meeting. “The Greek government demands explanation from the IMF, that it is the official position of the Fund is to provide bankruptcy conditions in Greece shortly before the British referendum,” said government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili.
On Sunday also mixed the former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis a. Apparently wants the IMF Merkel so pushing until the summer into a corner, that they could accept a debt relief for Greece at the end, he wrote in a commentary for SPIEGEL ONLINE.
On Monday, representatives of the so-called troika of the IMF , European Commission and European Central Bank (ECB) is expected in Athens in order to implement the agreed in the summer to check 84 billion-euro bailout third. The IMF participates yet on the financing, because he doubts the debt sustainability Athens.

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