Saturday, April 2, 2016

Change in strategy: The two-trillion-Hammer: Saudi Arabia unveiled plans for … – ABC Online

Saturday, 02.04.2016, 12:11
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Saudi Arabia now appears to be a large-scale change in strategy to reduce dependence on oil. For this, the UK will create the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world worth two trillion dollars.

As the news agency “Bloomberg”, citing Crown Prince bin Salman reported Saudi Arabia is already planning for the period after Oil. Given the UK aspire to a spectacular change in strategy to reduce dependence on black gold dramatically. “Within 20 years we will be an economy or a state which no longer primarily dependent on oil,” Salman is quoted on the page. For this, the UK wants to create a giant fund: This is the future control values ​​of more than two trillion dollars – it would be the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world

The fund should invest at home and abroad.. Especially abroad the kingdom wants to expand: from currently five percent of the share of foreign investments to rise to 50 percent by 2020th At the same time to be an industrial conglomerate from the oil giant.

State Group open to investors

In order to obtain the necessary funds, to Saudi Aramco, the state oil and chemical company, in 2017 or 2018, the Börse go. Thus, the Group would be open to investors. However, initially less than five percent of the shares of the largest suppliers of oil to get into private hands as bin Salman announced in an interview with the news agency. It was important to diversify investments, he said.

An early restriction of the flow rates of important oil-exporting countries, however, is become more unlikely. Saudi Arabia will its delivery only freeze if Iran and other oil-producing countries to do so, the Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said. The prices of major oil grades Brent and WTI gave after the release after each by more than 1.5 percent.

meeting in mid-April

For mid-April, a meeting of important producing countries is planned in to be the talk of possible production limitations. That Iran participates a production restrictions, is considered by experts to be unlikely. Finally, international sanctions against Iran are only just been completed, will allow the country first time in years, ramp up production again

In Video: Massive oversupply – price for barrel of oil drops in the US at 1.50. dollar

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