Only Europe’s new A400M military transporter is delivered to years later and the costs rise by billions. And now show up at the already titled as margins flyer Airbus model are used in practice significant weaknesses: Due to a material error to an engine of the A400M in Britain shut down in mid-flight
But even in the army, there are problems with the military aircraft: A spokesman for the air Force said that the numerous limitations and problems with the model cause of delay in the operational test. So the engines of all A400M with more than 200 flight hours total running time, all 20 hours of flight time are put under the microscope. In practice, this means that after each extended long-haul flight, the engines must be checked.
The extremely powerful engines, each with 11,000 hp were repeated in the past, a weak point of the aircraft. In particular, the transmission worries. It is manufactured by the Italian manufacturer Avio, which belongs to the US company General Electric. A400M experts speak of several problems with the drive, including an excessive wear of the giant propellers belongs with about five meters in diameter.
So already was in known January that there was a manufacturing defect in a part of the transmission. This problem is identified and limited. Moreover now but another problem of the drive. It is to concern material wear and lack of heat resistance.
Airbus sets supplier Avio under pressure
In a British A400M has turned off in flight one of the four engines, according to the newspaper “Bild”. Sensors felt material particles in the oil system and provided a warning. The discovery of the material particles in the oil circuit results in the precaution of regular engine inspections.
Airbus Military CEO Fernando Alonso holds despite the problems in the recent forecasting firm, in this year deliver 20 military transport to customers. Last year there were eleven. The goal, however, can be achieved only under the condition that the engine consortium EPI and its Member Avio an adequate solution for the transmission problem in the required time is found, says Alonso.
Airbus sets Avio under pressure, but do not want to hang out loud this. In the past, there have also been public allegations of delays in engine TP 400th There are a total of as many construction sites in the A400M program, at least do not want to add even more anxiety, thus alienating potential customers the industry. About a year ago an A400M had crashed after an engine software error in Spain.
According to the agreements with the European military procurement agency OCCAR with Airbus Military could customer refuse acceptance and completely get out of the project when the aircraft at a specified time (milestone) does not satisfy a certain power.
Only in January 2016 and another milestone in military capabilities has not been reached. Airbus is negotiating with the OCCAR for months on the financial consequences. On one side of the aircraft can not know what was promised, on the other hand, there are price increases.
Germany urgently needs new transport aircraft
the previously delivered 23 models are currently only large transport aircraft without self-protection. However, an exit A400M customer is only a theoretical option, which the Air Force customer countries urgently need new transport aircraft, such as Germany for his betagtes Transall model.
France has also ordered from Airbus rival Lockheed Martin military transport C-13 Hercules because can refuel any helicopter in flight with the A400M is currently what was initially planned. Also in German parliamentary and military circles there should be first consideration, in addition to the A400M to order another, smaller transport aircraft.
It is completely unclear whether the German Air Force, which has so far taken three of the new Transporter, as planned in 2016 nine additional models obtained. “The support would be satisfied if we get the aircraft by year end,” it says in the German armed forces. In the Air Force previously dropped only an additional control of the engines after the first 200 hours of flight time and showed no specificity.
From now on, this model must be checked every 20 flight hours again will. There are also other investigations by other systems. Therefore, the aircraft stand only partly for the required testing available, it says. Unlike a car inspection at a time can all be studied systems to be tested at the same time, according to the Air Force, however, is not. Time it was, for example, the drive, in other tests then the propeller, tires or screws.
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