Friday, June 19, 2015

Postal strike: workers should distribute property left shows – ABC Online

Friday , 19.06.2015, 21:53
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The German Post woos volunteers who are to determine because of the strike left lying broadcasts.

How many people in as many offices are taking part in the nationwide campaign on Sunday was a Post spokeswoman on Friday night not say. Previously, the “Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung” (HAZ) was reported. The campaign is meant to help reduce the residues of the past days, said the Post spokeswoman. “It is important that we try to make as much as possible the service for customers, despite the strike.”

The newspaper writes that the Post had helpers also provided shopping vouchers in prospect. For this purpose, the spokeswoman declined to comment. She stressed the helpers would get bonuses for Sunday work.

had been nearly two weeks in ongoing strike at the post office on Friday nationwide more than 25 000 employees stopped work. A Post spokesman said about 80 percent of the letters and parcels would still be delivered on time.


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