Tuesday, June 2, 2015

+++ +++ Greek crisis: top-level meeting in Berlin: No solution for Athens … – ABC Online

Updated on Tuesday, 06.02.2015, 10:20
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis? Or is it already too late? In Greece, the pressure on the government is growing. . All the information in the news ticker

  • Athens running out of money – but an agreement seems in sight .
  • In the coming months, massive debt repayments are on

The facts:. The negotiations the Greek Government with the European donors dressed. But time is pressing. Without binding commitments under the reform blocked emergency loans amounting to 7.2 billion euros can not flow. The funds in Athens are empty, in June alone are repayments of almost 1.6 billion euros to the IMF on. The state of negotiations, there is contradictory information. Athens sees the talks close to completion. According to negotiators Tsakalotos is already negotiating the next financial package. At the German delegation of the G7 summit wants to know nothing about progress. On Monday negotiated Merkel, Hollande and Juncker in Berlin about a way out of the Greek crisis.

Gabriel hopes to Greece solution and warns against state bankruptcy

10:20 Clock: Economy Minister Gabriel relies on a rapid solution to the Greek negotiations and on a give in the Athens government. “I very much hope that the Greek Government received it,” he said, referring to a possible compromise offer of international lenders to Athens. He was “very happy” that at night the high-level meeting in the Chancellery an attempt at a solution was made again. “The political consequence of a default by Greece in the euro zone would be huge,” warned the Vice-Chancellor. Many people would probably feel better a terrible end than horror without end “. The truth is that, would when the first stone of the European house, break out, Europe would be in another state”

Athens Deputy Prime Minister: “We do not accept ultimatums”

09.39 Clock: Athens will not accept ultimatums and can not be blackmailed by the financiers, in the words of Deputy Government Giannis Dragasakis. The Greek society and the economy could not tolerate further tough austerity measures, the body responsible for Finance Deputy Prime Minister added on Tuesday added in a Twitter message.

helplessness in Athens to high-level meeting in Berlin

07.59 Clock: A few hours after the high-level meeting in Berlin with the Greek financial crisis prevailed in Athens helplessness. Especially because no one in Athens more details about the content of the supposedly last offer the creditors of Greece knows. “We’ll see what these measures and whether they are in favor of the people or not. And then we will decide” said the group spokesman of the ruling Left party Syriza, Nikos Filis, on Greek television Ant 1 on Tuesday morning.

On the night of Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker consult with the IMF chief Christine Lagarde and ECB President Mario Draghi on a possible compromise offer to Athens. Parallel to the meeting in Berlin Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had met with his key staff members and consultants in Athens late Monday.

The deliberations lasted until the early morning hours, reported the Greek press. “Dramatic night in Berlin and Athens,” headlined on Tuesday the Athens tabloid “Ethnos”.

Produced Greece soon Kalashnikovs

07.16 Clock: For months to Greece negotiate in talks with Russia on military cooperation, as the “Bild” newspaper reported. In March of Defense Kammenos had been raised during a visit to a joint weapons production. In May, a Russian delegation had finally visited a factory in Aegio. The Greek side have expressed great interest. The focus obviously were a joint production of Kalashnikovs. To date, however, no agreement was signed. Greece had to now decide to August time

a role in the decision could in this case the United States to play. As the “Bild” newspaper writes that the Americans had not pleased the Greek-Russian plans responds. As Kammenos two weeks ago had been on a visit to the US, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter had therefore called off a meeting shortly


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