The end of August by the American media revealed and confirmed by JP Morgan Chase theft of data is far greater than arrived. As the bank said on Thursday evening in New York in a mandatory notification to the SEC, the perpetrators in the digital raid data of 76 million retail customers and 7 million corporate customers have fallen into their hands. The data include names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. Also, the cyber criminals had gained access to internal bank data and could allow customers to assign the various fields such as mortgage, car or credit cards. There are in the process only data stolen by those customers who have used the website of the Bank.
Account data is not affected
According to the mandatory notification JP Morgan has found no evidence that the criminals were able to gain access to important account information such as account number, date of birth or social security number. Also we have been able to detect any irregularities in the accounts of affected customers.
The largest of America’s considering bank deposits now quantified data theft is among the most severe cases of cyber-crime in the United States. With around 83 million customers around a third of American households are affected. From the online retailers Ebay data had been stolen from 145 million customers in a Datenraubzug in May. The retailer Target had involuntarily given up last year in a digital intrusion data of 110 million customers at the Home Depot had 56 million customers affected. At Target and Home Depot, the perpetrators had been able to capture and credit card information.
The FBI found
According to anonymous sources cited in various American media, were in the case of JP Morgan criminals or their data spying software only been discovered in late July at the Bank’s internal tests. The cyber attack could, as is rumored to have originated in Russia. The American Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the American intelligence investigate the case. Possibly other banks have been hit in the USA by cyber criminals on a large scale.
(ap) Just recently JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon in the annual report, although reported to the shareholders of millions spending on cyber security, but whilst acknowledging that concerns about hacker attacks remained. At year end, the cost of protective measures would amount to around $ 250 million, according to estimates by the Bank. In addition, the financial services firm employs 1,000 employees in the area of cyber security.
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