Saturday, October 11, 2014

Because Russia sanctions: Finland loses Topbonität at Standard & Poor’s – ABC Online

Because Russia sanctions: Finland loses Topbonität at Standard & Poor's – ABC Online

Saturday, 11.10.2014, 11:42
“socInfo” info

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Finland has the top rating of” AAA “by Standard & amp; Poor’s lost due to weak growth prospects. Finland is loud S & P affected more than other countries by the economic weakness of Russia. Exports to Russia account for ten percent of total exports

The credit rating would be reduced by one notch to “AA +”, said S &. P on Friday in London. At least now threatens no further downgrade. . The outlook for the rating is “stable”

The weaker external demand should weigh the economic outlook, writes S & P. This would also pressed by structural problems and demographic trends. . Economic growth is expected in the coming years than comparable economies

export slump by Russia sanctions

Finland is loud S & also more than other countries affected P by the economic weakness of

Russia . Exports to Russia account for ten percent of total exports. It adds the weakness of the euro zone. The lower growth and weaker domestic demand should not hinder the consolidation of the state budget

S &. P are thus out of the euro zone, only Germany and Luxembourg, a “AAA” rating. The two other major rating agencies Moody “s and Fitch give Finland still the top grade

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