Thursday, October 9, 2014

Current price – price of electricity almost doubled – Frankfurter Rundschau

Current price – price of electricity almost doubled – Frankfurter Rundschau

09 October 2014

A lot of money these private households for their consumption. Photo: AP

The households have the most up losing money: Since 2000, the price of electricity has almost doubled. The industry has to deal with much lower premiums. We explain the mechanisms of the electricity market.

Are the prices for households increased steadily?
The Federal Statistical Office shows that there has been a slow but steady increase in electricity prices amazing – with two exceptions since 2000, early 2011 and early 2013, prices jumped straight up. The main reason for this was that at both time points, the allocation for the promotion of renewable energy (EEG surcharge) paid by every household with his electricity bill, was increased significantly. Particularly severe impact of the 2012 failed on 2013 – namely from 3.59 cents per kilowatt hour to 5.27 cents.

What factors have also driven up prices?
leaves from the data of the Statistical Office Bunde a clear reading development: In the first years after the turn of the millennium, there were only slight increases. From 2005 to 2008, the price level rose particularly strongly for companies in the wake of the global economic recovery. Main reason for this was due to higher costs for fossil fuels, ie coal and in particular for gas. As a result of nuclear power could be sold more expensive. With the global financial and economic crisis, demand fell by coal and gas. The prices for them were in the basement. But that struck especially by the current price for bulk buyers. For over three years, the difference between the tariffs for households and the industry is growing.

What is the reason for the split electricity market?
Two factors come together. First, the state taxes have risen significantly since then. This includes, among other things, the current control. Above all, said EEG apportionment, while the medium is 6.24 cents. This get mainly households felt. Energy-intensive companies can almost completely exempted from this levy. At the same time the expansion of renewables means that the supply of electrical energy is growing significantly, thus the quotations on the power exchanges go back. This can in turn use many companies who purchase their electricity directly on the exchange. Benefit most from this development utilities and other utilities, which will resell the energy. These can be cheaper today than in 2000 shopping.

How much power is in the power exchange?
level has fallen steadily in recent years. On average kilowatt hour currently

costs less than four cents. Electricity generated at night, there are often for less than two cents – these are mind you prices without taxes and fees. There are regular hourly even negative prices: the producer pays for that someone to pick him power. Cause is an oversupply, which also means that Germany now permanently electricity exported to neighboring countries. The renewable power a more and more electricity. At the same time the operators of coal and nuclear power plants have their systems running continuously as a temporary shutdown would be too expensive.

Why do these changes do not make the rates for households noticeable?
electricity is traded not only in the stock market. Stadtwerke now obtain the current often in different ways. In general, only a small number are purchased on the stock market in the short term. There are also long-term supply contracts with major producers such as Eon and RWE, where prices have been written over several years. For now ongoing agreements, prices are often significantly higher than the current prices on the stock exchange. The long-running supply agreements have the consumer in the years 2005 to 2008, when the coal and gas were dramatically more expensive, but also prevented from significantly higher price increases.

What role play cheap electricity provider?
There is now a fierce competition between the low-cost providers. However, dare still far too few consumers to switch providers – and for good reason, because there are still many rogue energy traders active. This slows down the dynamics of the energy market. Many incumbent suppliers can sell their electricity to be relatively expensive so.

How can I solve the problem?
electricity traders themselves are calling now for greater control of the industry by the Federal Network Agency – with the aim of dubious providers to put the craft and create more confidence for changing providers

. How will develop electricity prices next year?
Next week will be announced height of EEG apportionment for 2015. In all probability, they will be reduced to less than six cents, because – to put it simply – on the EEG apportionment account surplus. This makes it at least difficult for providers to require consumers higher prices next year. In addition, many run from long-term contracts, they can now be renegotiated with cheaper prices. The question remains, however, whether particular public utilities to pass on the favorable purchasing conditions to private customers. Often local companies use the profits from the electricity business, for example, to subsidize public transport or operation of swimming pools.


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