Berlin – the “heave” They know on the Baltic coast. The huge floating crane grabs with its lifting capacity of 100 tons more away than any other work unit in the region. For 50 years made the workhorse of its services – including civilians, as the builders of the Water and Shipping Authority, were often hope for help. But then the era of “heave” ended abruptly. Because not enough experts are there to control him, and also taps the private sector are sufficiently available, is the “heave” since the end of 2013 for sale.
Too bad that the giant only recently was extensively renovated. 13 million euros had the Elsflether shipyard collected at the Weser for the repair -. Seven million euros more than originally planned
The waste of money as these are the ones who denounces the Federation of taxpayers every year in his Black Book . “Germany has no revenue problem but a spending and waste problem,” President Reiner wood nail summarized in Berlin on Tuesday the problem together.
In his latest, “Black Book” for public waste lists the association this year again examples of bad planning and cost explosions. The renovation of the useless “Heave” is one of them as well as viewing platforms in the middle of nowhere, bridges in the 100-meter distance or consuming pace brakes of paving stones. “Politicians need more careful with our money and use savings potential seriously,” Wood Nail said.
Doradenzucht 600 km from the sea
A case of the output monitor outraged relates to a daycare Bundeswehr in Neubiberg near Munich. It is the first of its kind and it stands on the site of the Bundeswehr University.
A lot of money flows estimated by the Taxpayers Association in numerous local companies that make regular losses and using are held by tax money artificially alive. The marine fish farming in the Saarland Völklingen about 600 kilometers from the coast trying to raise sea bream. After years of delays and investments of 15 to 20 million euros, there are finally buy the first fish – only they will not have. Sales so far remained well below the profitability threshold.
Chronic deficit also work the State Winery of the town of Radebeul, the tropical hall in Potsdam or the baths in Oberhof, which after losing a little less money after an extensive renovation than before. In sum, the excursions of the public sector to the private sector cost millions. “This abuse has to stop,” called wood nail. “We call on the local authorities to refrain adventurous excursions into the economy.” You would have to strictly separate business areas that have nothing to do with state functions.

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