Monday, October 13, 2014

VW-efficiency program may cost jobs – New Brunswick from

VW-efficiency program may cost jobs – New Brunswick from

Volkswagen -works, about dts News Agency
Photo: Volkswagen plant, about dts News Agency

Wolfsburg (dts News Agency) – The efficiency program that Volkswagen’s cost aims to reduce by five billion euros, may cost jobs. “We have over the productivity of core competitors still need to catch up,” said VW CEO Martin Winterkorn in an interview with the “mirror”. The Wolfsburg-based carmaker will indeed “reduce no permanent staff,” because it grow and could therefore, if productivity increases, build more cars with the same team.

But, “maybe we’ll use fewer temporary workers”,

said Winterkorn. Save wants the VW boss also in that it reduces the complexity. So he wants to reduce the number of model variants.

“It is not every model get a successor,” said Winterkorn. “Our Volkswagen Eos Convertible is seriously put to the test.” Even with the extras that diversity should be limited. Volkswagen will offer no more extras which are installed in less than five percent of the cars. In future, the VW group no longer wants to produce as many parts themselves. “We must consider whether we usefully apply some parts from suppliers, such as brake discs,” Winterkorn said. It will work but in Braunschweig, where the rotors are manufactured, “another technically innovative product manufacture”

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