Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Desertec: Desert Power Project DII for Renewable Energy on the brink of – Spiegel Online

Desertec: Desert Power Project DII for Renewable Energy on the brink of – Spiegel Online

Berlin / Munich – The fact that Desertec is in crisis, had already become apparent in recent months. At the turn left the HSH Nordbank as Financier the desert power project in the spring announced, Bilfinger and E.on their exit. Now the whole initiative could be on the brink of, reported the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (SZ).

The remaining group of 35 international corporations could not according to data from shareholder groups agree on a continuation in previous form, wrote the “SZ”. End of the year, therefore, the contracts expire with the shareholders. Could ensure the survival of only a rapid binding commitment for a new budget of around two million euros. But was not in sight.

“The probability grows with every day that we have to handle the company at year-end in its current form”, the newspaper quoted an insider. “There is as yet no financial basis for their continuation.”

A spokesman for Desertec was covered themselves according to “SZ”. “A decision has yet been taken,” he told the newspaper. You would be taken on Monday by the shareholders. Then the Desertec Annual Conference will take place in Rome. The shareholders, including RWE chart show, Munich Re Chart show , ABB Chart Show or the German bank  chart show belong, want advice on the sidelines of the meeting on the future of

the initiative, reported the” SZ “.

In addition to a complete end for the project’m also a continuation in a smaller form for discussion. Thus, DII could work as a consulting company to continue using the expertise already established.

2012 already increased from Siemens

The International Desert Power initiative Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII) was launched with high hopes in 2009. She was considered one of the most ambitious renewable energy projects. The initiative aims to produce solar and wind power in North Africa and the Middle East and export partly to Europe. DII should create the conditions for the construction of hundreds of eco-power plants in North Africa and the Middle East, which could meet the electricity needs of the region largely together – plus about 15 percent of European consumption. Invest hundreds of billions of dollars are needed for

But now the cost of a decentralized production of renewable energy in Europe have fallen significantly -. Making the major project in the desert less interesting. By the end of 2012, Bosch and Siemens had withdrawn from the Desertec project.

this purpose has suffered the image of the project. For the DII has calculated with the initiator, ideas and namesake of the project – at odds – the so-called Desertec Foundation. The name of the Desertec may DII since actually no longer use. Recently, it was then also known that DII CEO Paul van Son leaves the project. He switches to RWE chart show.


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