Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Leipzig: First Ebola dead in Germany – Spiegel Online

Leipzig: First Ebola dead in Germany – Spiegel Online

Leipzig -. The treated in a Leipzig hospital Ebola patient from Africa is dead, the 56-year-old United Nations employee had died in the night of Tuesday, said the Klinikum St. Georg. The man was flown last Thursday with a special aircraft from Liberia to Leipzig and supplies ever since. The doctors had his condition “highly critical, although stable” from his arrival as designated.

“Despite intensive medical measures and the highest efforts of the medical staff,” the patient of severe infectious disease had died, it said in a brief statement of the hospital. For the rest of the day, the hospital announced further information. The man from the Sudan was the third Ebola patient is treated during the current epidemic in Germany. One is still treated in Frankfurt am Main, another was discharged well from a Hamburg hospital after five weeks of treatment.

70 to 80 percent of those infected die

yet there is no drug that is approved for the treatment of Ebola patients. Instead, it tries to strengthen the body of the patient as possible and compensate for the fluid loss generated by diarrhea and vomiting among others. The earlier the

treatment begins, the better are the chances of the patient. Still, there are no exact figures on how deadly the virus is, the currently rampant in West Africa. Estimates, however, assume that only 20 to 30 percent of those infected survive

The patient was in Leipzig -., Like all Ebola patients in Germany – were treated to a special isolation for infectious diseases. Airlocks secure there, that no viruses penetrate to the outside. Furthermore, only specially trained nurses and doctors take care of those infected. Thus, their risk of infection is as low as possible, they contribute to the treatment coveralls, which are rinsed before being taken off with lye. For other patients, visitors or the public insisted on clinical data in Leipzig is no risk of infection.

According to the World Health Organization so far about 8400 people have with the current outbreak infected with the virus, more than 4000 of them have died. Nor is the epidemic in the West African countries of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone out of control.


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