Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wage dispute with Deutsche Bahn: train drivers on strike today and tomorrow – ABC Online

Wage dispute with Deutsche Bahn: train drivers on strike today and tomorrow – ABC Online

Tuesday, 10.07.2014, 06:58
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Between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning train drivers are nationwide went on strike in wage dispute with derDeutschen web. You need to call the train drivers’ union GDL to their members. This was informed in the early morning.

The train drivers’ union GDL has its members in collective bargaining dispute with the train to a nationwide and nationwide strike from Tuesday evening 21 clock until Wednesday morning 6 called clock. This was announced by GDL spokeswoman Gerda Seibert with early Tuesday morning.

Then to long-distance and regional trains as well as freight trains stand still and operated by Deutsche Bahn commuter trains. Called the strike train drivers, train conductors, board restaurateurs, dispatchers are in all railway company Deutsche Bahn.

dispute over representation claim

The drivers require five

percent more money and shortened by two hours weekly working time . Negotiations to have failed, however, that the German train drivers union (GDL) will also negotiate for the rest of the staff in the train, as for train attendants and dining car staff.

The web refuses, and called the strike threat as early as advance totally unnecessary. Chief Human Resources Officer Ulrich Weber rejected the accusation, the train refused negotiations and urge the union in the conflict. “The GDL leadership is but about trying to conquer the terrain of competing unions. But it takes damage for customers, employees and companies in buying,” said Weber.

91 percent of the GDL for strike

The GDL rivals the larger of the Railway and Transport union (ECG). On Thursday after the recent strikes a ballot on regular strikes came to an end. 91 percent voted for industrial action

In Video:. Train drivers’ strike day in September


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