The Nobel Prize has been awarded to the French economist Jean Tirole industry. He is three years since the first Europeans to receive this award. The last award winners were all from the United States.
The Frenchman Jean Tirole wins the Nobel Prize In Economics. The announced the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm on Monday. The 61-year-old economist was honored for his research on market power and regulation.
is officially called the award “prize of the Swedish realm bank for economics in memory of Alfred Nobel”. Unlike the traditional Nobel Prizes she does not go back to the will of dynamite inventor Nobel, but was first awarded in 1969.
Awarded the prize of eight million Swedish kronor award on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel in Stockholm.
2013 -. Eugene F. Fama (USA), Lars Peter Hansen (USA), and Robert J. Shiller (USA) The three were for their methods of observation of price formation received in the equity markets.
2012 –
2011 – Christopher A. Sims (USA) and Thomas Sargent (USA) your area: models, with which the interplay of inflation. can analyze interest rates and unemployment.
2010 -. Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen (USA), and Christopher A. Pissarides (UK) They were for their investigation of market mechanisms excellent.
2009 -. Elinor Ostrom (USA) and Oliver E. Williamson (USA) you have shown “how common property can be successfully managed by user associations can “. It was said to Williamson, he has developed models for conflict resolution by means of corporate structures.
2008 – Paul Krugman (USA) for his research results as trade theorists.
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