Monday, October 6, 2014

GDL’s new date announced: train drivers on strike on Tuesday – NEWS

GDL's new date announced: train drivers on strike on Tuesday – NEWS


 Tuesday, October 07, 2014


 Germany must adapt to a nationwide rail chaos: The train drivers’ union GDL calls for a nationwide rail strike. In the evenings the rail to grind to a halt – including long-distance transport, freight and commuter trains


The warning time is tight, up to the beginning of the strike train passengers remain only a few hours in the early morning hours, the union of the engine driver (GDL) has announced the date of the next strike action known. This time to the work stoppage on Tuesday evening starting at about 21.00 clock and by Wednesday morning last 6.00 clock, as GDL spokeswoman Seibert tells.

In the labor dispute at the web the GDL had previously announced “in the coming days for nationwide call temporary strike “to want. In order to increase the pressure on the employers’ side, the union had initially called no definite date. In this way, the railway company may adjust poorly to the forthcoming work stoppages

total blockade on the rail

rail travelers but are once again faced a tough test of patience.?, The train drivers’ union wants to the announced strike completely bring the trains of Deutsche Bahn claims to have ground to a halt. As part of a limited strike action distance and regional trains should just stand still like freight trains and which are operated by Deutsche Bahn commuter trains, explained the GDL spokeswoman.

“We give the strike known in sufficient time to ensure that all relevant People can plan their transportation alternative, “union chief Claus Weselsky had promised. The train crew will not let themselves be intimidated, it said in the GDL message. This proves the ballot, in which 91 percent of the votes were cast in last week on strike.

drivers irritate colleagues

But not all workers’ representatives in the group can make friends with Weselskys course . Faced with growing competition from the GDL with the Railway and

Transport union (ECG) warned the group works again before a split in the workforce. “Especially for our colleagues in the stations and on the trains, the situation is deteriorating more and more to” criticized the chairman Jens Schwarz.

For the customer, it makes no difference to which union were among the colleagues. The council also reported disputes between colleagues. The train called the announced strike completely unnecessary. Chief Human Resources Officer Ulrich Weber rejected the accusation, the train refused negotiations and urge the union in the conflict. “The GDL leadership is but about trying to conquer the terrain of competing unions. But it takes damage for customers, employees and businesses in purchasing.”

The drivers require five percent more money and one to two hours shortened work week. Negotiations to have failed so far, that the GDL will also negotiate for the rest of the staff in the train, as for train attendants and dining car staff. The train refuses,.

“Take the crumbs”

More about

The GDL rivals case with the larger ECG. On Thursday after the recent strikes a ballot on regular strikes came to an end. The train had made in the past week a new bid to avert strikes. Accordingly, the negotiations should rest until the federal government has brought the proposed law to the bargaining unit on the way. Until then, the train drivers should receive two percent more money

In a letter Weselskys to the employer by the beginning of the week it hot to. “Translation: ‘Take the crumbs from the employer before you the government with a law the bargaining unit makes the final finishing off! ‘”



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