Airbus will continue to provide wide-body aircraft not only to China, but wants them there also fully equipped inside and paint. For six years, the European aircraft manufacturer already produces its small model A320 family in the port city of Tianjin. In future, the activities expanded and there also the Large-scale model A330 are equipped.
On the occasion of the state visit of the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang was in Berlin a memorandum of understanding on a A330 completion center in Tianjin signed. Behind this is an ambitious project: The open-plan models are unpainted, so green, and fly without interior equipment from Toulouse to China and be completed there. The details are now being worked out in a study, said Airbus CEO Fabrice Brégier in Berlin.
machine for about 400 passengers
Indirectly linked to it could be a future order for a special 330-300 model. Airbus had presented optimized for regional and domestic flights between cities on a model air show in Beijing a year ago. In the machine can fit about 400 passengers. Industry experts believe it is possible that not only the domestic market but also other customers are supplied on a future A330-center in China.
Airbus CEO Brégier also agreed in Berlin a framework agreement for 70 A320 smaller models with the State holding CAS. The value of the contract according to the list price is about seven billion dollars (5.5 billion euros).
This reinforces Airbus his position in the rapidly expanding aviation market China. According to forecasts China will overtake the USA in ten years as the largest aircraft market. Within 20 years, more than 5300 new flight course could be sold in the market in China, estimates Airbus.
During the American competitor Boeing has not identified any aircraft final assembly in the key market has expanded Airbus step by step. Meanwhile, Airbus and Boeing are of the market share in China par practical.
planned expansion of the A320 production
Industry experts evaluate the future interior of A330 aircraft as a precursor to a possible long-term final assembly also huge jets in Asia. Already, more than 1,000 Airbus aircraft in several Chinese operators in use.
For Airbus, the agreement is another step in the Asia expansion. About 20 percent of Airbus production already accounted for by China. In March, the aircraft manufacturer had the community company extended with a
From 2017, Airbus plans, the new version of its A320 model, the variant A320neo with saving engines in China produce. Airbus has triggered the expansion of its production to Asia a suction effect, because more and more suppliers settle directly in the vicinity of the final assembly line. About 1,200 employees are now working for Airbus and its Community Enterprise in China.
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