Germany at the IMF meeting in the critique
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) has “teReise” /> warned, given the gloomy global economy and economic slowdown in Germany
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann said there was a conflict between the discussion and the IMF published recent economic forecasts. The forecasts were only moderately revised downwards. The recovery trend will not put fundamentally into question. Multiple growth rates had been previously overestimated.
Although the German economy is weaker, but there was no burglary, Weidmann said. The German economy is moving in the range of normal capacity utilization. Weidmann warned again of a reform fatigue in Europe as a risk for the economy.
Schäuble called comments and criticism from top officials of the IMF and of the EU “spin doctoring “- interest-based representation. There is a certain discrepancy between public statements and the internal debates, Schäuble said. The IMF expressed concern about the economic slowdown in Germany, the British finance minister George Osborne was one of the economic data from Germany to the biggest concerns in Europe.
After representation Schäuble, however consider the economic powers and the IMF together. “It all agree: We need more sustainable growth.” There was a consensus that structural reforms, a healthy financial system and sustainable public finances are necessary. Trust is the most important. Monetary policy can support the recovery, not replace structural reforms. To demands of the international partners emphasized Schäuble, the German government and the Europeans were aware of their responsibility for the global economy.
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