Five years ago, the initiative was still celebrated as a pioneering project in the field of renewable energies. The planning company Desertec Industrial Initiative (Dii) should provide the basis for investment to take advantage of solar and wind energy from the deserts of North Africa for the electricity needs of Europe.
From gigantic sums of long-term investment up to 400 billion euros, and dozens of large power plants was the speech. 15 percent of Europe’s electricity needs should deliver the project one day. But now it could, according to industry sources be that the planning entity must be settled at the end of the year.
It’s not about billions of dollars, but the relative for projects small annual contribution of 100,000 euros for each of the 20 shareholders. These include top companies in the industry, such as the Swiss power engineering group ABB, the German Bank, Munich Re, E.ON, RWE, the Chinese Energy Institute CEPRI or the Spanish solar energy company Abengoa. In addition, corporate partnerships.
decision possible from falls next week
A group of about 35 companies could not yet agree whether to continue to flow two million Euros annual contribution to society. Above all, there is no agreement on the future concept. The dice fall on Monday at the annual conference of the Society in Rome. A Dii spokesman confirmed on inquiry, that at the end of the current funding expires.
Industry speculation about an imminent From the company would not comment on the speaker. “A decision has yet been taken,” he said. The company started in 2009 with great expectations. Playing a leading role of the insurance company Munich Re planning company in Munich was lifted from the baptism. The insurance would occur not only as a warning voice for the damages of climate change, but also make an active contribution.
Desertec should provide a significant contribution to CO2-free power generation. Initially, the company had eleven, primarily German shareholders. But the end of 2012 increased during the economic crisis as well as a change in the own strategy key partners such as Siemens or Bosch again. They had secretly promised also orders from the project.
In return, however, came a new partner from abroad. But the basic idea of green electricity generation in the desert and the transmission of energy came to Europe in practice never to bear. This also admitted recently the outgoing Dii CEO Paul van Son, a.
Desertec boss joins RWE
The Dutchman stood since the founding of the Dii at the tip of the Company and will retire at year-end. He goes directly to the Dii shareholders RWE. From Dubai, he will then control for the energy company doing business with the renewable energy in the Greater Region Middle East / North Africa.
According to the outgoing Dii-CEO is the first concept pursue large power plants in sunny regions with the power delivery to Europe is no longer the
Industry experts also point out that in some parts of Europe now temporarily also an oversupply give to solar and wind energy. The strong growth in supply of green electricity in Europe was not foreseen when the founding of the planning company. Meanwhile there for the power from North Africa into Europe no sufficient demand more.
In addition to the external changes in the energy market for some time also provide internal squabbles in the Dii for a crisis. In recent years there was a dispute over the appointment of top management, in which the 61-year-old Dutch energy manager van Son prevailed. In the dispute over the direction of the company, the Foundation Desertec withdrew the planning company naming rights.
Desertec could also contribute to consultants are
Now is the small company with its two dozen workers from a switch position. The shareholders decide whether to invest in a future model in which the company is not so well established, but will focus on four core countries: Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. This concept is supposedly favored among others by RWE, Munich Re, Enel and the Spanish company Abengoa.
There are, however, an alternative plan. According to information of the “world” industry sources, the company could be converted to a for-profit consulting firm with possibly fewer shareholders.
You could her previously accumulated know-how from market in the region. The company recently taught anyway its focus on the promotion of energy in the Mena region, ie Middle East and North Africa. Locally there is growing interest in green electricity. In Egypt there was recently the worst power crisis in years. Where energy is needed urgently.
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