In July, the jubilation was still large because Germany broke the 100-billion-euro mark in exports. Now there is disillusionment.
burglary by nearly six percent
Germany’s exports have plummeted in August. Compared to July, exports Calendar and seasonally adjusted decreased by 5.8 percent, the Federal Statistics Office figures show. This is the highest monthly decline since January 2009, ie for more than five and a half years. Compared with August 2013, the exports declined by one percent.
In July led the company articles of worth 101 billion euros. In August this value is reached only 84.1 billion euros. Adjusted for seasonal fluctuations, the difference is not so clear: The companies exported accordingly in July goods worth 98.3 billion
Imports. decreased according to the Federal Statistical Office this August – compared to the previous month, the decline was 1.3 percent. Compared to August 2013 while imports fell by 2.4 percent.
decline because of the silly season
One reason for the slump in exports was the late position of the summer holiday in many states have been, to say the statisticians. Many manufacturers produce in the main holiday season less and send fewer goods. Economists also assume that the tougher sanctions against Russia have consequences. They concern, for example, military equipment and high-tech devices.

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