Tuesday, October 7, 2014

+++ Railway strike in the news ticker +++: strike from 21 clock: moves on these lines … – ABC Online

+++ Railway strike in the news ticker +++: strike from 21 clock: moves on these lines … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 10.07.2014, 22:41
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The wage dispute the train drivers’ union GDL goes with Deutsche Bahn: Between 21 clock on Tuesday evening and 6 clock on Wednesday morning stand still trains. Online FOCUS shows the current developments. Here train drivers are affected.

In their wage dispute with Deutsche Bahn train drivers require five percent more content and shortened to two hours of work a week. Already at the beginning of September they have therefore laid down their work and provided a traffic chaos in German cities. Now calls the engineer company GDL their members again to strike.

Between Tuesday evening, 21 clock, and Wednesday morning, 6 clock, to nationwide regional and long-distance trains also stop as freight trains and operated by Deutsche Bahn S orbits. Particularly affected are Munich, Hamburg and Berlin . Called the strike is not only the engine driver, but also train conductors, board restaurateurs and dispatchers in all railway company Deutsche Bahn. The web objected, the GDL Führunge it is a matter to negotiate for the rest of crew members, thus conquer the terrain of competing unions. FOCUS Online is the news ticker, where rail travelers must be prepared for cancellations.

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22:40 clock: The commuters seemed affected, police said well to be prepared. Both at the Stuttgart train station and the Stuttgart Beer Festival, it remained relatively empty. In order to avoid overcrowding of the platforms and thus a possible hazard, access to the Bad Cannstatt train had been announced in the evening locked in coordination with the police like.

22:39 clock: In Berlin it was expected that large parts of the S-Bahn traffic is paralyzed as in the previous strikes. On some routes, such as a train station Alexander Platz in western direction already about half an hour went before the strike began no more trains

22:26 clock. drivers of trains and light rail also in the southwest the resigned from work. Station in Stuttgart and the Stuttgart Beer Festival, it was rather empty. During the strike are long distance and regional trains, resting as well as freight trains and which are operated by Deutsche Bahn as in Stuttgart S-Bahn. In Karlsruhe and the transport was thwarted: The orbits of Albtal transport company drove only in larger intervals or with delays. Train travelers should expect until Wednesday noon with limitations and faults in the opinion of a train speaker; also was expected to significantly greater rush.

21:17 clock: Apparently, the strike does not fall so hard like expected. Some trains still – let at least messages from Cologne and

Hamburg Hauptbahnhof suspect

21.00 Clock: The railway warns before. before: “.. The consequences of work stoppages are also on Wednesday after strikers by 6 clock be felt It is likely to have significant impairments in the morning rush hour it is expected to impact until the lunch hour to give,” it says on the website of the company

20.43 clock. Hamburg contrast, the HVV tried to limit the damage: “The Stammlininen S1, S21 and S3 are to be retained as the basic service during the strike by workers” , announce the Hamburger

20.27 clock. Berlin commuters complain that the S-Bahn no longer drive now part

<. strong> 17:15 clock: The impact of the train drivers strike on freight transport are limited in total, according to the German Freight Forwarders and Logistics Association . That will not bring the economy to a standstill, said a spokesman Association in Bonn. According coaster ride within 24 hours 5,000 freight trains in Germany

16:35 clock. Also, companies are adapting to the strikes: “We observe very carefully the further development of the situation, “said a Daimler spokesman in Stuttgart. “We are responding to the situation and take appropriate measures to prevent any impact on production if possible.” If necessary, can the transport then by truck across the street run . So far, however, the effects are not yet clear, said the spokesman. “The production runs.”

14:28 clock The German railway presents with hundreds of service staff one on the expected delays in the train stations. “On the information desks additional staff will inform the passengers about the rest,” said a spokeswoman for the DB-news agency dpa. The railway assume that most commuters are expected on Wednesday morning, even after the end of the strike with delays. Your customers recommended the S-Bahn on its website to inform yourself about alternative metro and bus connections.

14.23 clock travelers from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein must be set on cancellations as well. A spokeswoman for Deutsche Bahn said the news agency dpa that in addition to the distance, regional and freight trains also use the Hamburg S-Bahn to stand still. Approximately one hour after the strike began would experience shows that the effects in the Hamburg S-Bahn be felt particularly strongly, says the spokesman for the GDL North, Hartmut Petersen, the German Press Agency.

13.30 clock also the Rhein-Main-traffic area Frankfurt area is affected by the strike. The Rhine-Main Transport Association (RMV) expects defaults on the following lines, which are operated by Deutsche Bahn:

on their website called the RMV alternatives, such as the Hessian railway or other local underground, trams and buses. Thus, the Frankfurt Book Fair is easy to reach, as emphasized a spokeswoman for the transport company.

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