Sunday, October 12, 2014

Consumers: discounters lower prices for chips and sugar – Munich evening paper

Consumers: discounters lower prices for chips and sugar – Munich evening paper

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Berlin – (AP) After the milk products are in Germany and French fries and sugar cheaper . German discounter Aldi lowered the price for fries, croquettes and other potato products some cases by more than 16 percent

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And as always followed by other retailers such as Norma and net the market leader in the foot

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sugar is offered even partially effective by more than 20 percent at the discounter. Aldi give so lower purchase prices on to customers, it said. Aldi price reduction usually have more impact on the overall trade. Many competitors are based in low-price range at Aldi price

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net “with the market also lowers the prices of selected private label products” as a spokeswoman said on Saturday. She called, among other sugar and frozen foods such as french fries

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Norma follows in the same commodity groups of

the Aldi price reduction. “Every price advantage in international markets Shopping achieved, we immediately give to our customers,” it said in a statement on Saturday

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record revenues in this year’s potato crop prices for the potatoes have sent into a tailspin . The agricultural market information service (AMI) described the situation on Friday drastically: “The harvest is beyond the need, the competition is great and the export valve is largely blocked.” Currently not even handed in many places from the stock options. And even the possibilities for feeding the potatoes in animal feed, biogas production and in the starch industry are often exploited. Despite high yields and good quality, the farmers are the losers, while consumers could appreciate low prices.

the sugar for months accusing the major German manufacturers like Südzucker about falling prices. But here not only ensures a good harvest for problems. Also scheduled for the end of September 2017 expiration of market regulation in the sugar market casts its glow.

The price reductions fries and sugar but also fit the current strategy of Aldi. The discount is currently attempting with new redline actions to raise its price image. Just a week ago he had significantly reduced the prices for cheese

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