IMF: global economy is unsteady recovery continues
WASHINGTON – The global economic picture, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to be characterized by large discontinuity. “Despite setbacks, the unstable global recovery continues,” it says in the published on Tuesday world economy IMF report. Mainly because of the weak first half year, the fund cut its growth forecasts. Accordingly, the global economy will grow this year by 3.3 percent in the coming year by 3.8 percent. These are 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points less than the IMF had adopted in the summer
Nahles fighting over Hartz IV reform confident
BERLIN -. Spite of opposition in the CSU has Federal Minister of Social Affairs Nahles (SPD) was optimistic in its plans for a Hartz IV reform. “The coalition, including the CSU, the willingness is there to lead an informed debate about it,” Nahles said Tuesday the news agency dpa, Berlin. “So I am confident that we are making progress there.”
First phase of Troika talks in Athens ended
ATHENS – Without tangible results on Tuesday, new controls, the lender Greece to end gone. The talks were constructive, a senior official said the Ministry of Finance of the newspaper “Kathimerini”. . It is located closer to many questions
IMF: U.S. interest rates could rise faster than expected
WASHINGTON – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) considers it possible that the interest rates in the United States rise faster than previously expected. The reasons called the International Monetary Fund in its published this Tuesday World Economic Outlook, the rapid recovery in the American labor market and the rapidly rising inflation.
IMF: ECB missed price target until at least 2019
WASHINGTON – The European Central Bank (ECB), it is estimated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) does not succeed over the years, their goal of stable prices to reach. Presumably, the inflation rate in the euro area will be to “at least” 2,019 below the target value of the ECB of about two percent, according to the World Economic Outlook released on Tuesday by the IMF. The fund is based on its forecast of a continuation of the current monetary policy of the ECB.
IMF: ECB and Germany to growth in the euro zone push
WASHINGTON – The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and Germany’s responsibility, the weak economy in the euro area to push. The economic recovery remains weak, and unemployment is far too high and inflation too low, according to the World Economic Outlook released Tuesday by the IMF. “This requires measures to support economic activity.”
European Commission suspected tax advantages for Amazon in Luxembourg
BRUSSELS – The European Commission is the suspected illegal tax benefits for the online traders Amazon & lt; AMZN.NAS & gt; & Lt; AMZ.FSE & gt; after in Luxembourg. The top competition watchdog Europe take the corporate tax paid by Amazon there in the past ten years under the microscope, as the authority announced in Brussels on Tuesday. If they come to the conclusion that Amazon gave Luxembourg unfair tax advantages, the company could face high payments. . Such hidden subsidies are prohibited under European law
UK: Industrial production stagnated
LONDON – British industry is not quite on the spot. According to figures from the ONS Statistical
The strongest drop in production in Germany since 2009 crisis
WIESBADEN -. Has German industry cope with the biggest setback since the severe economic crisis five years ago in August need. In the premises of the production is seasonal and working-day adjusted slumped by 4.0 percent, the Federal Statistics Office announced on Tuesday. This is the biggest drop since January 2009 It is well below the expectation of bank economists, who had expected a drop of only 1.5 percent. / Rob / jls

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