Friday, October 10, 2014

U.S. online retailers: Amazon opens branch in New York – Reuters

U.S. online retailers: Amazon opens branch in New York – Reuters

Amazon Stock: The U.S. online retailer wants to be more present. Source: ap

New York, Bangalore The online giant Amazon it attracts, according to a newspaper report under the stationary merchant. The group wants to open a business in New York before the start of the Christmas season, wrote the “Wall Street Journal” on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter. It would be the first stationary branch of the online retailer.

In the store near the Empire State Building, customers should pick among other online ordered goods and non- can return more desirable products, the report said. In addition, it should be there in a kind of mini-warehouse a limited range of products for same day delivery within New York. Amazon could also use the space to demonstrate his devices like Kindle Fire Tablets or Fernsehbox TV.

rise with downsides: How does Amazon?

  • How did Amazon to?

    Jeff Bezos founded in 1995, the German branch there since 1998, the company was large shipment of books, videos and music CDs. Since the year 2000, foreign retailers can offer their products on Amazon. Meanwhile, the Group makes headquartered in Seattle two-thirds of its sales with products such as computers, digital cameras, fashion or food. Amazon is also a pioneer in electronic books and music and video downloads. Second large pillar next to the trade are the Web services with the cloud computing.

  • How could the company be so powerful? ” / h5>

    Amazon is making a risky growth strategy: The Group attracts the customers with low prices and a fast and often free delivery. He also invested heavily in the dispatch centers as well as in the development of new technology. However, this growth has a downside: The profit margins are rather thin. 2012 Amazon made a loss of $ 39 million. In 2013, the bottom line remained $ 274 million (204 million euros) – at a net revenue of $ 74.45 billion in 2013

  • How relevant is the German market?

    It is the largest foreign market. 2012 Amazon put this country $ 8.7 billion to, the converted are currently about 6.5 billion euros. Thus Germany was ahead of Japan with $ 7.8 billion and the UK with $ 6.5 billion. However, the most important market of all is North America with $ 34.8 billion. Amazon grew in his home last also significantly faster than abroad.

  • How Amazon is important for Germany?

    In terms of retail sales total is the role of Amazon manageable. About 1.5 percent wears Amazon in the industry revenues of almost 428 billion euros. However, most are food. Looking at the online

trading of consumer electronics to books, things look quite different: Amazon stops here almost a quarter of the market

  • <. h5> As the Group is set up?

    In Germany, the company operates logistics centers in Graben, near Augsburg, Bad Hersfeld, Leipzig, Rheinberg, Werne, Pforzheim, letters long and Koblenz. Work, where information from Amazon about 10,000 salaried full-time employees. During peak periods such as the holiday shopping season coming in each of these centers add thousands of seasonal workers. Worldwide 124,600 employees (as of March 2014) in the company

  • harm the Shit Storm

    Amazon even commented on demand has not been about whether the ARD documentary was less ordered since the broadcast. However, a comparison suggests: Excessive worry is Amazon does not do well. Also on the German rivals Zalando raged already – albeit smaller – storm of excitement after reports of poor working conditions. On rapid sales growth that did not change. From 2011 to 2012 Zalando doubled its revenue from 510 million to 1.15 billion euros.

  • Follow the Leiharbeiterskandals

    This is difficult to estimate. The outrage has reached the policy and it is campaigning. But the allegations of mistreatment of contract and temporary workers are directed primarily against the employment agencies. Which threatens the Federal Ministry of Labour now with a special audit. The company itself does not respond. Payment at Amazon, however, corresponds well with the applicable standards. With a gross hourly wage of at least EUR 9.55 Amazon pays more than the legal minimum wage for temporary workers, which is currently in the West at 8.19 euros and 7.50 euros in the east.

  • Where Amazon still anger has

    In the UK there were last year, a debate about how Amazon and other U.S. corporations expressed through legal tricks before tax figures. An Amazon representative had to appear before a parliamentary committee and was taken there by the parliamentarians in front of cameras in the deficiency. In the United States, employees had complained that they had to toil in the hot summer in non-conditioned warehouses. According to U.S. media reports, several employees suffered fainting spells. Amazon responded and upgraded air conditioning systems.

  • If successful, the concept could also to other U.S. cities be extended, the newspaper reported. Details such as the size of the store were not to know. Amazon representative could not be reached, according to Reuters for comment initially.

    Amazon has built its business on making the retail stores with low prices with fast delivery competition. After starting with books, the range was extended to numerous products of electrical engineering to food.


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