Sunday, October 12, 2014

IMF: risk of sluggish growth: CFOs to avert crisis – ABC Online

IMF: risk of sluggish growth: CFOs to avert crisis – ABC Online

Sunday, 12.10.2014, 15:05
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The IMF has warned of a sluggish growth of the economy. Governments and central banks now want to lift with all his might against a global economic crisis. Wolfgang Schäuble has however warned against excessive pessimism.

worried about the economy have become the stock market gains of a year eaten. The International Monetary Fund expressed concern at its autumn session on the economic situation in Europe and especially in Germany. The states would have politically to make difficult reforms of the labor market and the social systems in order to use the funds thus released into the infrastructure and job creation can.

The measures were needed to the “very real risk of prolonged to address phase of a below-average growth, “said the Chairman of the Steering Committee, Singapore’s Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

” We are quite concerned about the slowdown in Germany “

Although the economy is weakening and about in Japan and China. The growing concern about the economic situation, especially in Europe, however, had led to tangible losses on Wall Street. The recovery in the euro zone appears to fall much weaker than expected in the spring. “We are quite concerned about the slowdown in Germany.”

The IMF expressed concern about the economic slowdown in Germany, the British finance minister George Osborne was one of

the economic data from Germany to the biggest concerns in Europe. And revised its forecast for Germany firmly down. He expects growth this year of 1.4 percent, half a percentage point less than originally estimated.

Schäuble warns against exaggerated expectations

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) warned, given the economic downturn, however, before excessive pessimism and false expectations of Germany. “There is no reason the world economy to speak in any crisis,” he said. Schäuble called opinions and critiques of top representatives of the IMF and of the EU “spin doctoring” – interest-based representation. There is a certain discrepancy between public statements and the internal debates, Schäuble. Said

After representation Schäuble however draw the economic powers and the IMF together. “It all agree: We need more sustainable growth.” There was a consensus that structural reforms, a healthy financial system and sustainable public finances are necessary. Trust is the most important. Monetary policy can support the recovery, not replace structural reforms. To demands of the international partners emphasized Schäuble, the German government and the Europeans were aware of their responsibility for the global economy

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