Friday, October 3, 2014

Many households affected: JP Morgan speaks of huge cyber attack – NEWS

Many households affected: JP Morgan speaks of huge cyber attack – NEWS


 Friday 03 October 2014


 In the hacker attack on the U.S. banking giant JP Morgan no account data has been captured well but. However, the attacker can do with basic information such as names and addresses damage. And the extent of the attack was enormous.



In the large-scale hacker attack on the U.S. banking giant JP Morgan data of 76 million households and 7 million small businesses have been affected. The attacker would be able to have but can not access account numbers or passwords, the bank offers its customers and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said. Also, user names, birth dates and Social Security numbers were not affected.

The unknown assailants it was however able to name to approach addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, they said. In addition, internal information were affected by JP Morgan, for example, in which department of the bank’s customers are explained a spokeswoman for the financial service Bloomberg. “Your money at JP Morgan Chase is safe,” says the message to the customer. So far no evidence of unusual fraudulent activity in connection with the cyber attack had been detected.

The hacker attack on JP Morgan became known a month ago. The attack from mid-August to have been directed against other institutions. JP Morgan spokeswoman also said the bank has currently 65 million households as customers. You reach so that about half of all U.S. households. From the attack also data from previous customers were affected.

Investigators believe in attack from Russia

After Bloomberg information, the attacker procured access to more than 100 servers, where the data is stored. The attack began, therefore, as if they had access to the network provides with the login details of an employee. The investigators believed that the attack from Russia come, it said, citing informed people. After becoming aware of the hacker attack, among other things, the FBI had turned on in the investigation.

More on the topic

The attack hit data of customers, the online services of JP Morgan took over the Web or mobile apps. In early reports, it had been called, and account data could be affected. However, the attacker could use the captured basic information in order to access more data.

The U.S. financial sector and trading company had become in the past few months target of several large-scale hacker attacks. So the retailer Target credit card details were stolen tens of millions of customers. Just recently, up to 56 million credit card records were captured at the Home Depot.



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