Saturday, October 4, 2014

Snapchat: Yahoo is considering participation in photo app – Spiegel Online

Snapchat: Yahoo is considering participation in photo app – Spiegel Online

New York – yet makes the photo app “Snapchat” virtually no sales, but the company ranks among the most valuable, non-listed start-ups. Well considering Yahoo, to participate in the service. The Internet companies planning a part of his profit from the investment in the Chinese online retailer Alibaba stuck in the fast-growing start-up. Reported the “Wall Street Journal”. Both companies had already held talks.

according to the report still is not clear to what extent would engage Yahoo. An investment is possible when the start-up, collects the money next time when shareholders. In “Snapchat” images can be sent, the deleted watching after a few seconds by itself. The app is especially popular among young users. The company will report says rated at 10 billion dollars.

At “Snapchat” already the prominent venture capitalist Kleiner Perkins is said to have involved $ 20 million. The company had turned down a three billion dollar purchase offer from Facebook until the end of 2013. Yahoo has recently made some eight billion dollars in profit in the Alibaba IPO and is under pressure to invest. The company was low in 2005 joined with the Chinese.

The online pioneer Yahoo had already taken over the Snapchat rivals “Blink” in May. This also offers a mobile app that allows you to delete a message after a programmed time from the transmitter. Yahoo tries in this way to make amends against rivals such as Google ground.

messaging services are becoming increasingly interesting for the big Internet companies because they expect on access to new users, especially of smartphones and tablet computers sometimes considerable additional revenue.


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