The first treated in Germany Ebola patient has left the hospital healthy. The man had been released on Friday, the University Hospital Eppendorf (UKE) said on Saturday. “He’s fine, and he is no longer infectious for many days. We are very pleased for him that he can now return to his home country “, said the hospital. The man from Senegal was infected, according to the World Health Organization for use in a laboratory in Sierra Leone and had brought the end of August to Hamburg.
The Hamburger Ebola patient was placed on 27 August with a Spezialjet to Hamburg. He was treated at the treatment center for highly contagious diseases at the UKE. The hospital on Saturday thanked all the nurses, doctors and staff for their work, which had allowed it to cure the patient of his “very serious
The second recorded in Germany Ebola patient is treated further in the Frankfurt University Hospital. To the health of the physician, who had been infected in Sierra Leone, made the clinic and the Head of the Competence Center Frankfurt, Professor René Gottschalk, on Saturday but no details. “We respect the patient and confidentiality,” Gottschalk told the dpa. The hospital also pointed to medical confidentiality.
The doctor from Uganda have worked for an Italian aid organization and become infected in Sierra Leone with the dangerous Ebola virus. The Health Minister Stefan Hesse had Grüttner (CDU) said in Wiesbaden.
Senior Physician Timo Wolf had said after shooting the diseased doctor on Friday: “The patient is stable in this state in very serious condition, but at least for now.” There was the “entirely reasonable hope that the patient well this disease can survive “. One must wait for the next day.
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