protests against the building in Managua
In Nicaragua, on Monday the launch fallen for the Nicaragua Canal, the largest construction project in Latin America. The 278 km long canal between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean the “dream of generations true” will, said a spokesman for the Chinese operating company HKND (Hong Kong Nicaragua Development) at the opening ceremony in the capital Managua. The ceremony also Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and HKND chief Wang Jing took part.
The operator wants to set up the shipping route with the help of 50,000 workers. The construction will start at the Brito-mouth on the Pacific side of Central America, via Lake Nicaragua and the Caribbean should reach at Punta Gorda-m outh.

canal through Nicaragua
canal through Nicaragua
The channel is supposed to be 30 meters deep and of ships up to a weight of 400,000 tons of space. $ 50 billion are planned (more than 40 billion euros) for the construction of the canal. At the completion of the Nicaragua Canal would make the Panama Canal to the south competitors that provides for a century a shortcut across the South American continent part.
President Ortega hopes the project on numerous jobs to alleviate poverty in the Central American country. To be built an airport, hotels and a business park for energy and steel companies. But the channel arouses concern especially for conservationists. They fear pollution from shipping and contamination of drinking water, since the route runs over a distance of a hundred miles through Lake Nicaragua – it is the largest f reshwater reservoir in Central America
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The environmentalists now included 15 meetings against the project, at which some 40,000 people involved. “We do not want to cut Nicaragua into two parts,” said one of the protesters, Wilson Pross. The technical feasibility studies, environmental impact and the financial aspects of the major project has not been published for the most part. It is expected that 30,000 farmers and indigenous people to be resettled of Ramadan and Nahua ethnic groups.
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