Sunday, December 21, 2014

Strike break on Sunday: Amazon centers work back on track – ABC Online

Strike break on Sunday: Amazon centers work back on track – ABC Online

Sunday, 21.12.2014, 12:38 pm
“socInfo” Info

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When online retailer Amazon has on Sunday morning in the dispatch centers Bad Hersfeld and Leipzig work started back on track after the longest strike.

The union Verdi had previously announced Sunday a strike break after their complaints against the Sunday work in the two centers had claims to have failed.

The walkout is on Monday but at both locations as well as in Rheinberg (NRW) and digging (Bavaria) continue. The end is planned for Christmas Eve (15.00 clock). The current wave of strikes at Amazon began last Monday (15 December),.

In Bad Hersfeld and Leipzig each several hundred employees with special permits on a voluntary basis on Sundays. The Sunday work during the festive season at several locations will for years requested and accepted as an Amazon spokeswoman said the long term. The work rest on Sundays at the other Amazon sites in Germany.

About 2,000 people took part in the strike

The company spokeswoman reiterated that there were no delays despite the strike. In the German centers almost 20 000 people, of which about half were working during the festive season as permanent staff. With decreasing trend

This is confirmed by the “engaged working overwhelming majority” of other employees compensated – in the strike, around 2,000 people had participated.. In addition, Amazon could draw on its network of 28 centers across Europe.

Verdi puts the number of participants in the strike to 2400. ‘/ P>

In the ongoing conflict since 2013 Verdi wants to force that Amazon pays for the retail instead of the lower logistics plan. Amazon refuses, strictly. The US company sees itself as a logistics. The payment of the employees in the German mail camps already lying at the upper end of what is common in the logistics industry. An agreement is not in sight.

Amazon does not conduct collective bargaining with Verdi

Verdi calls since 2013 again and again to walkouts. The mail order company does not conduct collective bargaining with the union. “We prefer direct communication with employees and elected councils at the sites,” said the spokeswoman.

statements of Verdi members that strikers and their cars were photographed replied the Amazon spokeswoman that it is of course no disciplinary action against strikers admit: “We respect that people go on strike, but also that people are not on strike.” For additional costs of the Group through the long walkout Amazon did not make any statements

Video. : Due Amazon strike: Christmas in danger

Christmas in danger? – Employees Amazon shipping centers on strike again



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