Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Investor rescues and plans expansion – THE WORLD

Investor rescues and plans expansion – THE WORLD

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Industry stranger contractor enters


A new investor has saved the debt-ridden remote bus suppliers “”. An industry foreign entrepreneurs from southern Germany had signed the purchase agreement for the acquisition of the company with all 25 jobs, divided in Offenbach. Official of the company is based in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. The bus should be maintained and expanded in the coming year. For the customers, do not change anything. Currently, nearly two dozen lines could be served. Private buses do not use the Offenbach.

Legally it were a transferred reorganization of the operation to a new company, the old GmbH will unwound explained the liquidator Christian Feketija in Frankfurt. The start-up founders and former owner Alexander Kuhr and Christian Janisch should remain as manager on board.

The remote bus pioneer, against the German railway the right to long-distance bus had erklagt, had filed for bankruptcy because of insolvency in November. The company had in the liberalized sector only in 2013 can not keep up with the violent expansion and price war. “We have always grown only from our own sales and have had bad luck in the capital acquisition,” said founder Janisch the German Press Agency. Of the dynamics of growth we had been a bit more surprised. This fierce competition has taken another small providers. Previously, the Frankfurt-based company had City2city ceased operations in October.

The company that works as competitors with subcontractors for the actual transportation has established a powerful sales structure in the opinion of the liquidator Feketija. This could far more traffic be organized without the fixed costs increase. Therefore, the new owner put on a clear expansion strategy, particularly with shorter distances up to 450 km.

since the liberalization of the remote bus market is booming at the beginning-2013. was considered one of the pioneers in the industry. The GmbH had already offered since December 2009, the Internet bus rides. The market share of is about two percent.

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