Monday, December 29, 2014

Presidential election failed: So the Greeks plan the end of … – ABC Online

Presidential election failed: So the Greeks plan the end of … – ABC Online

Monday, 12.29.2014, 14:33 · FOCUS Online correspondent Wassilis Aswestopoulus (Athens)

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Greece is ungovernable: Even after three ballots could MPs fail to agree on a president. Now it comes to elections, in which the radical Euro-critics expected the win. Flames of the euro crisis by again?

Athens are 2015 critical times before. The first step into chaos year was completed today, December 29 at 12.44 clock.

During the decisive third ballot in Athens, former European Commissioner Stavros Dimas has failed again. Only 168 of 300 deputies voted for him. This means that within ten days, the government must resign. Within a further thirty days then a new parliament must be selected.

At the weekend suggested that the government accepts the observers long awaited defeat. Had the government instead Dimas proposed another, possibly originating from the left-wing presidential candidate, this would be a signal for an expected victory in the last minute was.

The election campaign has already begun

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras took Saturday’s state television to start in an apparently staged interview a kind of pre-election campaign. The Greek Federation of Journalists condemned in a statement on Sunday this instrumentalization of the state television sharp.

However, such appeals to reason can not change the fact that the country is now facing a wide chaos. The pro-government press had warned especially on the weekend before almost immediately impending bankruptcy. “We are facing a Russian Winter”

Greece headline in the newspaper Ta Nea with reference to a drying up of oil imports in the event of bankruptcy. Not more important for the euro zone

The Sunday paper ” To Proto Thema “stressed that this time the money supply would fail from Europe. The “systemic” referred to by the entire opposition press is aware that Greece is different than it was in 2012 no significant systemically important factor more for the euro zone.

has this awareness apparently spread also in the earlier radical left party SYRIZA. SYRIZA announced not that all savings programs, credit agreements or memoranda and related laws are tipped with a single blow than a single bill in Parliament.

Greek cling to promises of salvation

Instead of negotiations, the speech. Here threaten party leader Tsipras catch the ghosts that he once exclaimed. It is also not sure if the then melting the projection of SYRIZA against New Democracy is explained by the so often brought up argument of the phony polls or is located on Tsipras’ appeasement of markets

. Video: Ex-EU Commissioner Dimas failed again

With catchy populist Spontisprüchen the leftists had as well as the rather populist right-wing Independent Greeks denounced the practice of global capital and globalization. The Greeks, who got to experience first-hand the poverty as a result of failed policies Samaras and his predecessor, only too happy to cling to the promised salvation promises.

SYRIZA coalition would be extremely shaky

Ironically, the future depends on whether it SYRIZA, generally acted as a safe choice winner, manage to get a working majority without the Independent Greeks. SYRIZA confirmed as the strongest party, then you are under the current electoral law 50 extra votes in Parliament. This is also true if SYRIZA should get 29 percent at the end, for example 29.5 and the New Democracy

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Do Tsipras negotiate with the populists, then he faces the certain failure of the maximum demands of the populists of the stamp of Volksverräters. It is the voters of the Independent Greeks difficult to explain that the termination of all credit contracts and austerity measures at this stage is not feasible. Tsipras tried it anyway, then he faces an economic disaster. For the country, a coalition of SYRIZA and the Independent

Greeks again means rapid elections.

Premier Samaras lurking for a comeback

This is exactly what can Antonis Samaras and his former coalition partner Minister Evangelos Venizelos hope. Both try to keep their losses at a manageable level. Samaras could keep pace with an honorable defeat at the helm of the New Democracy. In Venizelos, the story is more complicated.

The Paskok stands before the split, because the Son of party founder and former Prime Minister George Papandreou nor of the elections cleavage of Pasok want to start. Apparently sets the politically often underestimated Papandreou that he could possibly offer as a social-democratic majority raiser for SYRIZA. Finally, many of his former supporters are now prominent party functionaries of the young Tsipras.

Both major parties have no reforms in the sense

Another coalition partner for Tsipras could this movement led freshly before the European elections “To potami “serve. The ideological still fragile initiative by the journalist Stavros Theodorakis went already to the European Parliament and has Polls sure to result in the next parliament.

Theodorakis announced that he would form a coalition with the strongest party of choice, whatever of the two, New Democracy and SYRIZA have the edge. He presents himself as a reformer. That neither SYRIZA yet the former government Samaras want to tackle real reforms in the sense of the euro zone, he seems to overlook

The austerity plan remains on track -. Either way

Party Political waving the Greeks thus simply a castling the existing political staff. It is obvious that in almost all expected constellations of the previous austerity remains on track.

Much to the annoyance of the Europeans and especially Germany. The CSU has already been strongly opposed a relaxation of austerity and reform pressure in Greece. “The Greeks decide their own future, but it is clear. The election does not change the course and the conditions for the support,” said Finance Minister Markus Söder Bavaria (CSU), the Münchner Merkur after the election decision in Greece

“This debt may not be enforced, a softening of the criteria can not exist.” Söder said Greece had “a positive development. This way the country should not break. “

disenchantment is chaos follow

One of relief at the end of the unloved coalition government will quickly follow then disillusion with the economic chaos.

In addition to economic hardship threatens the Greeks but yet another consequence of the early ballot. Urgently needed reforms to the constitutions can now be expected only in the years around 2020. The current legislature would have been a constitutional reform legislation when Samaras had taken this important step in time. So can now continue the Minister after two sessions of the Chamber of Deputies rely on the amnesty of any misconduct.

radicals may from prison come

As collateral damage also threatens the release of previously incarcerated party leadership of the national radical Golden Dawn. The maximum time allowed for a remand of 18 months expires in March. The judicial authorities have still not managed to schedule a trial began against the charges of “criminal conspiracy” accused politicians.

For the day after the expected release, on the part of the Nazis planned a mass demonstration. At the same time, in mid-March, Athens is likely to run out of money if the euro zone is not yet engaged still helping. For the end of February runs the granted short-term in December extension of the second bailout package from

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