Saturday, December 27, 2014

Russians are hoarding metro Coins: St. Petersburg rationed chips – NEWS

Russians are hoarding metro Coins: St. Petersburg rationed chips – NEWS


 Saturday, December 27, 2014


 The ruble-decay into Russia becoming hoarding. In a few days underground Drive in St. Petersburg will be more expensive. That is why people engage in driving chips now two or three times to. The city pushes the front of a bar.



panic buying of the Russian population due to the
 falling ruble forced from St. Petersburg to an unusual action by the authorities: In the hometown of President Vladimir Putin, the sale of the metro coins was rationed because the population it for days hoard as elsewhere sugar or buckwheat. In future may cashiers in the metro stations therefore only two coins per customer spend.

Normally sold around 15,000 daily metro coins in Russia’s second largest city. In December, but there were 80,000 to 100,000 per day. This is due to the effect from 1 January price increase from 28 to 31 rubles (45 to 50 euro

cents). “I have a feeling that people invest here in Metro coins” joked one passenger in front of a subway switch in St. Petersburg.

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Poorer households hoard a few weeks ago essential goods for fear of the continued decline of the ruble and rising inflation

was caused the currency crisis -. The worst in 15 years, which is Putin in power – mainly due to the falling price of oil. The Western sanctions against Russia for Moscow Ukraine policies contribute to the deterioration of the situation. The ruble lost in the waning year, about 40 percent of its value against the US dollar and the euro.



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