Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Compact: Compact Economy – THE WORLD

Compact: Compact Economy – THE WORLD

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Finance Compact

Russia: central bank rescues in ruble crisis first bank ++ Debeka: Life insurance lowers the interest rate

                  Russia: central bank rescues in ruble crisis first bank ++ Debeka: Life insurance lowers the interest rate

Central bank rescues in ruble crisis first bank

The Russian central bank must rescue a bank to go bankrupt since the outbreak of the ruble crisis for the first time. The known through advertising with the US movie star Bruce Willis has become Trust Bank provided (approximately 435 million euros) are available up to 30 billion rubles, said the central bank in Moscow. The Agency for Deposit Insurance will also be responsible for oversight of the troubled institution. Those measures, “it will allow trust to continue the payments seamlessly.” Trust is the list of the largest Russian banks 32nd private clients held December 1 credit in the amount of 145 billion rubles (2.1 billion euros). The central bank announced that it would seek an investor for Trust. This could be one of the major banks in the country.

life insurance lowers the interest rate

Debeka-life insurance its customers next year credited less interest. The profit sharing on life and annuity falling to 3.4 from 3.6 percent this year, said the Debeka with in Koblenz. “The Debeka (…) can not escape the developments in the capital markets,” said the insurer. Including final profit and participation in the valuation reserves lie in the interest of four per cent. At 3.4 percent, it should still be above the industry average in the interest rate. The Debeka following the

trend and leads in the coming year, two new rates, commitment, their guaranteed interest rate is below the maximum allowable still 1.25 percent.

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