It is scheduled for January 25, 2015 election of the Greek Parliament, the hour of SYRIZA could beat: The left-wing protest movement is in current polls before the ruling conservative New Democracy party of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. Anything but a victory of the Left Alliance would be a surprise, my choice researchers in Greece. The chairman of SYRIZA, Alexis Tspiras, already now speaks of a “historic day” for democracy in the heavily indebted euro country
Historically, not only because then for the first time a left-wing party in Greece came to power, but also because SYRIZA is different from the major Greek parties: he has left the alliance as a grass-roots movement. Popularity is its radical program in the population, particularly by the dissatisfaction with the austerity measures that have been placed upon the international lender Greece.
Help for the poorest 300,000 Greeks
So SYRIZA wants to terminate the reform programs, stop planned privatizations and reach another haircut: The bailout of the troika of the EU, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund would already belong within a few days of the past, SYRIZA chairman Tsipras said on Monday after the failed presidential election
would Tsipras’ party in January actually to power, they would probably try their so-called “Thessaloniki Agenda” to implement. The agenda provides to introduce tax cuts and higher minimum wages and all Greeks free provide medical care. Over-indebted households will SYRIZA offer a loan remission, 300,000 of the poorest families to receive food stamps. As a bonus SYRIZA wants to do with the agenda 300,000 new jobs in the public and private sectors.
These promises draw in the Greeks. Record unemployment and austerity guidance from the troika have greatly exacerbated the political atmosphere
exit from the euro?
If the Greek negotiators then called SYRIZA in January, that would be an earthquake on the international stage, “No planned by the SYRIZA measures are feasible if Greece in the euro zone remains” says about the economist Nicholas Economides of the New York University. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is quoted in “Spiegel Online” with dramatic words: “All this leads to the exit from the euro zone,” he says about the plans of the Left Alliance. And this is actually the biggest problem of SYRIZA: they themselves seek no exit from the euro to; but their political desires are probably incompatible with the guidelines of the euro zone
Whether the charismatic SYRIZA chairman Tsipras -. it should come so far in January – would actually occur as a rebellious head of government debt State, however, is questionable. Already the current prime minister Samaras went with anti-austerity slogans for votes; but as the supreme Government member of the Conservative politician has been a reliable partner at European level. Compared to “Spiegel Online” also brought SYRIZA spokesman and Tsipras Familiar Panos Skourletis his party in a milder position: “We only want one thing with Europe negotiate, namely how we can make our debt more bearable.”
(eup / APA / Bloomberg)

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