Sunday, December 28, 2014

Euro economy on the upswing: Bundesbank chief: ECB is “unnecessary” and risky – ABC Online

Euro economy on the upswing: Bundesbank chief: ECB is "unnecessary" and risky – ABC Online

Sunday, 28.12.2014, 11:02 am
“socInfo” Info

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Cheap oil and a recovery in the euro area are likely to 2015 very positive impact on the euro-zone economy. Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann presses ahead with an optimistic forecast forward – and warns the ECB

The 2015 is better than the President of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s view. expected. “As things stand, and if the oil price remains low, inflation is still lower than expected, the growth but better,” said Jens Weidmann the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (FAS).

In this context, spoke be Weidmann in no uncertain terms shall be liable to the of the European Central Bank (ECB) targeted purchases of government bonds from euro countries with which the central bank to promote growth.

taxpayer for bond purchases

“irritates me is that in the public debate lately always only a question arises: When you buy at last,” Weidmann said. The Bundesbank President pointed out that taxpayers liable for the required bond purchases

“For the losses from these purchases, the central banks are liable in the euro area together – and in the end

the taxpayer.” Weidmann said. In addition, such measures to promote growth are currently not necessary.

recovery in the euro area

“Europe is not so bad as many people believe” Weidmann said. The forecast said rather requires a recovery in the euro area. The cheap oil also acts like a stimulus package. “We are given a stimulus package, so why not monetary policy sit on one?” Asked Weidmann.

“should not be decisive for our decisions in the Governing Council at the end,” that the financial markets expected bond purchases, said the Bundesbank president of the “FAS”

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