Berlin – The rental price is brake. But it comes so late that they will hardly prevent rising rents in the coming year. Of these, the director of the German Tenants’ Federation, Lukas Siebenkotten goes out. “The rental price brake’s not yet a done deal. The adoption is only late January, early February next year expected” Siebenkotten said.
After that would define the states nor the areas that they consider to be particularly relevant. “I do not expect that this will be the case in the second half of 2015.”. Thus, the price brake in the coming year will have a major impact more. In a tight market rents are likely to rise significantly, but turn the heating costs low.
Especially in tight housing markets such as urban centers or university towns, where the price brake too large rent increases to curb the rents may, in his words rise significantly .
Under the bill, the federal government rents than ten percent may at resizing an apartment will be higher than comparable standard local rents. First-time rentals in new buildings and rents for a comprehensive modernization should be exempt.
Economists warn of the negative effects of the price brake. For example, the DIW concluded, especially in large cities will harm rather than good rule tenants. The IW Cologne criticized that the instrument is only formally WOULD. If owners and investors their rental income could no longer increase, more and more properties are sold to owner-occupiers and the supply of rental housing a total of scarce
downturn in the Real Estate Market
Dress likely in the coming year except the new rents and property prices – although less strongly than before. “The German housing market has cooled surprising,” wrote the Bundesbank in its monthly report of December. “Not least because of the calming partially overheated regional real estate markets, the purchase prices owner-occupied housing rise now only relatively moderate at,” it said already a month earlier.
The experts of the Bundesbank are already talking about a downturn in the real estate market. To be in seven cities housing prices rose in the third quarter of 2014 by 5.75 percent year on year, according to seven percent in the first half and nine percent in 2013.
The rating agency Standard & amp; Poor’s predicts an increase in housing prices of four per cent for the coming year. In urban centers, such as in the Berlin area but significantly higher price jumps are possible.
Almost all of them have real estate transfer tax is increased
More expensive is it for buyers thanks to the increased taxes to the tax authorities. Increase after numerous other federal states on January 1, and the most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland the land transfer tax. With a rate of 6.5 percent, both countries close to the previous leader of Schleswig-Holstein. Who buys a house for 200,000 euros in these countries, you must also transfer 13,000 euros to the tax office. Only North Rhine-Westphalia Finance Minister Norbert Walter Borjans (SPD) expects annual revenue of 400 million euros for the state treasury.
Since 2006, countries can determine the tax rate, only Bavaria and Saxony have not yet raised him and remain at 3.5 percent. In European countries, Germany is so advanced from the midfield to the group of states with the highest rates, such as the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) highlights. It warns against letting potential side effects of high land transfer tax rates aside, about that especially young families and, indirectly, tenants could be affected.
8.4 billion euros brought the transfer tax is a the countries in 2013. For 2014, the Federal Finance Ministry expects a rise to 9.2 billion – nearly twice as much as before the reform, when there were 4.8 billion euros in 2005. Meanwhile, the transfer tax accounts for more than half of the Pure Land taxes. With 1.7 billion euros came in 2013, the nation’s highest total in North Rhine-Westphalia together.
Cities with the real estate bubble

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