The ruble weakness makes German companies to create. Some politicians fear economic chaos in Russia and consider relaxing the sanctions.
He was following the line of Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who before had warned threats to European security through economic destabilization of Russia. “We should at our sanctions policy in mind,” he told the mirror
Also, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann had doubts. “I do not see any reason to cheer – I do not know why we should rejoice when the Russian economy collapses, “he told the newspaper Austria . “We just saw the branch you from where we sit when we build a new wall to the Russian economy.”
top EU continues penalties
In the EU leaders summit on Thursday there was no signs of an easing of sanctions. “As Europeans, we must regain self-confidence and recognize our own forces”, the new Council President Donald Tusk had demanded and advocates a hard line against Russia, while Ukraine’s policy would not be changed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Brussels: “The sanctions can only be lifted if the reasons for this change.”
The Western States justify the sanctions with accusations that Russia had last March, the Ukrainian Crimea annexed to international law and carry with the support of pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country to destabilize the Ukraine at. Russia has both back.
Rising food prices in Russia
The economic malaise has now arrived in the form of rising food prices in the everyday life of the Russian population. Within a year, the ruble has also been devalued by 40 percent. The fear of a further deterioration of the national currency has already led to hoarding a western import goods.
“Of course, no one will have success with it, intimidate us, scare us to isolate Russia,” Putin said on Saturday the transmitter Rossiya 24 overlooking the sanctions of US and EU.

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