Saturday, December 27, 2014

Russians seek new currencies – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Russians seek new currencies – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          are in St. Petersburg not only desires metro coins – people want goods for their money and also browse second-hand shops.


panic buying of the Russian population due to the falling ruble have forced the authorities from Saint Petersburg to an unusual measure: Ironically, in the hometown of President Vladimir Putin was the sale of the metro Coins rationed because the inhabitants these days since hoard as elsewhere sugar or buckwheat. In future may cashiers in the metro stations therefore only two coins to spend per customer.


Normally sold around 15,000 daily metro coins in Russia’s second largest city. Since the beginning of D ecember but there were 80,000 to 100,000 per day. This is due to the falling ruble and a force from January 1 price increase from 28 to 31 rubles (45 to 50 cents). “I have a feeling that people invest here in Metro coins” joked one passenger in front of a subway switch in Saint Petersburg.


Poorer households hoard a few weeks ago essential goods for fear of the continuing decline of the Russian currency and rising inflation. Caused the currency crisis – the worst in 15 years, which is Putin in power – especially by the falling price of oil. The Western sanctions against Russia for Moscow Ukraine policies exacerbate the situation. The ruble lost in the waning year, about 40 percent of its value compared to the dol lar and euro.


More about

Because of the severe crisis in Russia falls for Kremlin Minister Vladimir Putin and his government holiday holidays early January this time briefly. The position requires maximum attention and daily monitoring said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, according to Russian media.


Putin will celebrate the New Year, which is celebrated in Russia in families like Christmas in the Western world, among his relatives and friends, Peskov said. The Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 6th and 7th. The Russian New Year and Christmas holidays go from 1 to 11 January.

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ruble crisis Splurge Russia begins

The ruble has lost with heavy foreign exchange crash of Tuesday this year, about 60 percent of its value. Falling oil prices and Western sanctions because of the Ukraine-conflict pollute the Russian currency difficult. More

18/12/2014, 11:43 am clock | Finance



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Russians seek new currencies


Because the ruble falls, the people of Russia flee to other currencies. One of them are tickets for the subway in Saint Petersburg. Putin’s hometown intervenes now. And the president makes only short vacation.

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