Monday, December 29, 2014

Greece to early elections: Syriza boss Tsipras wants haircut – Spiegel Online

Greece to early elections: Syriza boss Tsipras wants haircut – Spiegel Online

At this moment Alexis Tsipras has been waiting for years – now the charismatic leader of the SYRIZA party is faced with the chance of a lifetime: in Greece are the end of January or beginning of February, early elections to after the current government in the third ballot, not enough votes has to get together for their presidential candidate. And Tsipras’ party is the favorite.

It was the first time in the history of Greece that a left-wing party comes to power. The euro member Greece is likely to be a radical change imminent – especially in terms of debt policy. “We want only one thing to negotiate Europe, namely how we can make our debt bearable,” said Panos Skourletis, one of the closest confidants Tsipras and SYRIZA spokesman, told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

The SYRIZA plans likely to startle the euro partners. So the party wants in the case of an election victory by setting another haircut, terminate the austerity and reform programs, and with them the pending privatizations Skourletis further said. The party plans to collect reparations to Germany in the Second World War.

  opposition leader Tsipras: Power dairies conditions Brussels
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Opposition leader Tsipras: Power dairies conditions Brussels

The plans are part of the large-scale “Thessaloniki Agenda”, the SYRIZA decided in September to the second largest city of Greece. In addition to the price reversal in the debt policy and the privatization stop the party’s plans include:

  • tax cuts,
  • higher minimum wages,
  • the creation of 300,000 new jobs in the public and private sector,
  • free medical care for all Greeks,
  • food stamps for 300,000 poor families
  • a loan remission for over-indebted households.

For large parts of the Greek population the promising promises in the face of record unemployment and for around five years of austerity requirements from Brussels and Frankfurt are – the headquarters of the European Central Bank (ECB).

Warning before exiting the euro zone

The promises were not only unrealistic, they brought Greece into the next disaster, warns the conservative Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. Should win SYRIZA and the true party make their announcements, Greece had to say goodbye to the euro, as Samaras. “What SYRIZA plans leads to what is known as credit default,” the prime minister

warned at the weekend. “All this leads to the exit from the euro zone.”

The Greek economy is extremely unstable, even years after the first auxiliary program of the EU and the International Monetary Fund, the country is still dependent on the euro partners. Recently, the payment of the last installment of aid loans billion up to 2015 has been postponed: The euro members want to be sure, who are their negotiators in Athens.

In order to stay afloat, the government in Athens remedy in promissory notes. Purchased by Greek banks, which they in turn as a deposit at the ECB in order to get fresh money. More than a few months but is likely not going to work this creative financing model. By the end of March, Greece needs the money the euro partners. Up until that debt payments in the amount of five billion euros to be paid.

How much already paralyzing uncertainty around the elections, the economy, reported a senior bank manager, who requested anonymity, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. In many industries orders would be canceled, businessmen verschöben their investments. “Our business customers already lean loans approved from, as long as not clarify the political situation. They keep our fingers crossed that all goes well.”

SYRIZA has such reports back as alarmist. “The government is continuing its campaign of fear. But Europe recognizes that the Greeks program was a mistake and it’s time for a change of course is” Skourletis said.

govern Can SYRIZA alone?

But how safe it is that SYRIZA win the election? Two forecasts from the weekend say the opposition party slightly ahead of the conservative New Democracy Samaras advance. Anything but a clear victory of SYRIZA was a surprise pollsters predict. “I think it is impossible that SYRIZA loses this election,” said political scientist and pollsters Christoforos Vernardakis. “The only question is whether SYRIZA enough seats for a one-party government wins,” SYRIZA spokesman Skourletis says confident of victory.

However, the projection of the opposition is also shrunk slightly. According to the researchers, because the fear of a Radikalabkehr the previous policy was increasing. Others believe that the 40-year-old Tsipras is unable to comply with his swaggering announcements. Just as the conservative Samaras only with power dairies conditions Brussels gained votes and then it became a reliable euro partner but

SYRIZA differs in any material respect from established parties like the New Democracy and the Socialist Pasok. SYRIZA has evolved from a grassroots movement that unites the diverse left currents and is still radically. Its members will see their historic opportunity came, if they win in Greece, which could be for a European revolution that this was the beginning – in their eyes – will end German diktat in the euro zone



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