Tuesday, December 30, 2014

POLITICS AND SOCIETY: A Greek against Merkel – ABC Online

POLITICS AND SOCIETY: A Greek against Merkel – ABC Online

FOCUS Magazine | No. 52 (2014)
Tuesday, 12.30.2014, 20:20 · FOCUS-author Ferry Batzoglou

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If the Greeks elect a new parliament in January, he is likely the new head of government are: Alexis Tsipras. Brussels fears him, because the left could trigger a new euro crisis. His favorite enemy is Angela Merkel.

Everyone wants to see and hear him. Most him want to celebrate. The hall in Heraklion on Crete is packed, as Alexis Tsipras comes to the podium. It looks nice: youthful face, jet-black hair, blue shirt without a tie as always open. And yet the smart Left is Europe’s nightmare. He wants to stop the restrictions imposed by the Troika, hated austerity program.

His chances are good. The crisis-ridden Greeks love him. Tsipras is the most popular politician in the country. His Coalition of the Radical Left, SYRIZA, long ridiculed as a small party of some salon-Bolsheviks, was in the European elections in May strongest force. Even at the last general election in June 2012 brought SYRIZA 27 percent. In the upcoming parliamentary elections, to be held on January 25, Alexis Tsipras is the big favorite. The show all surveys since SYRIZA victory in the European elections in May.

That is why he talks himself into a rage in Heraklion. “We will set the pace,” rumbles of politicians, “and the markets will dance to our tune.” The audience claps and cheers and smiles Tsipras – as always. As a teenager, he has demonstrated a tireless media attention squatters school in his hometown of Athens, the baffled political elite. Since then, he’s “cool Alexis.”

His meteoric political career started at the

stalinistischorthodoxen communists in Greece. The student group in which he earned as a tough functionary first spurs, called Engelados the earthquake.

The 40-year-old is now polarized. Critics complain of his lack of self-criticism and his lust for publicity. Admirers praise its intuitive people nearby. For many he is simply an incorrigible populist.

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A partner deal by Bruckmann Verlag in cooperation with FOCUS Online

Prime Minister Tsipras wants to repeal the reforms demanded by the troika, negotiate the repayment of debt and increase government spending vigorously to stimulate the economy. Rhetorical he turns it on like. His favorite enemy: Angela Merkel. With its “false Protestant principles” destroy Europe. . The Troika – which has paid for the rescue Athens 240 billion euros since 2010 – that his country into a “debt settlement”

A good news is the youngster in Heraklion but that the Greeks should be all misery for Despite looking forward to a happy new year. Everything would be better if his party soon takes over the government of the country, says Tsipras. And

grins in the video.


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