The coal-fired Mehrum in Lower Saxony
For the German manufacturers of large systems is a Christmas gift: The Federal Government supports the export of coal power plants continue. For the systems have to reach specified minimum standards for environmental protection. Better still likely to find the power plant manufacturers, however, that the government intends to make these criteria for issuing guarantees in the context of developed countries OECD clubs binding. This threat of export restrictions were finally off the table. This is in a “Report on International coal financing,” the Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) has sent this week to the Economic Committee of the Bundestag.
So a month-long war in the government to promote coal technologies is terminated. Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD) and development aid minister Gerd Müller (CSU) would largely eliminate not only the promotion of their programs – what they have done – but make binding for the entire government. That would have applied for state development bank KfW and the private sector offshoot Ipex Bank, which play an important role in the financing. In contrast, the foreign and the Ministry of Economy had opposed, Gabriel has now enforced.
Against the funding is argued primarily with environmental reasons. Coal is considered the most important reason for the increase in global warming and climate change. Who wants to figh t the effects, should not contribute to carbon dioxide will still emitted. However, the industry had argued that coal was needed in many countries, including Germany for many decades for the safe energy. The International Energy Agency expects the construction of hundreds of coal power plants.
Therefore, it would be counter-productive for the climate, to complicate the construction of low-emission and “clean” power plants locally produced and thus be less efficient plants from countries such as China and Korea preference, argues the industry. That the four manufacturers ABB, Alstom, Mitsubishi, Siemens depend including suppliers 36000 sites on the business, they had not forgotten to mention.
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In the F.A.Z. present report to the Committee makes Gabriel now adopt the environmental argument. Low-emission coal plants German manufacturer made a contribution to the energy transition, which applies equally to government assistance programs and state-flanked financing. Without the assistance of Ipex Bank German suppliers but often does not even come into question, built the installations of other providers. “Therefore, the offer of Ipex Bank for German companies is essential,” writes Gabriel. The paper also states that the share of coal KfW financing since 2006 accounts for less than two percent stemming from the environmental and climate projects with a volume of 176 billion euros.
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The criteria for promotion are still redefined. ‘Project’ should be supported only in the countries that have a national climate change strategy. Also would have “the best available technology” according to European directives are used. The term “project” is likely to be for the promotion of Kohleförder- and -transporttechnologien room.
The financing of new investments is only possible after the report if they have a high efficiency. Large plants must identify a efficiency of 43 or 44 percent, smaller part of the best quarter o f their class. Also should be “tested” if the deposition and storage of CO2 in the power plants are possible.
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During the modernization of power plants, the rules are less clear. Here only requires “a substantial improvement of the environmental impact of the power plant.” In principle, yet an examination of the environmental and social impact is mandatory for all projects. Upgrades are supported where appropriate with development aid.
National support like about the Ipex Bank is one thing; on the basis of international agreements in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ongoing national granting of guarantees (“Hermes”) to another. Especially America and Britain require the waiver of the provision of guarantees for coal plants, France also tends in that direction.
Gabriel sat down on it. The federal government would “work for the introduction of ambitious criteria based on the aforementioned criteria for export financing”. But they will also advertise in States that are not members of the OECD – which can only be China as things
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