Moscow produce Russian gas company Gazprom, indicated that this year the least amount of natural gas in its history. The company expects a volume of 444.4 billion cubic meters. Last year, there were 487.4 billion cubic meters, company spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said on Wednesday.
One of the causes is one of the months-long political crisis and the price dispute with Ukraine as well as the sanctions imposed by the West. In June Gazprom had suspended its exports to Ukraine, its second largest market after Germany. Recently Gazprom stopped the pipeline South Stream project. This line should bring natural gas under the Black Sea to southeastern Europe.
The European Union (EU) is seeking to reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas. Gazprom currently supplies a third of its needs in the EU gas. Exports to the EU and Turkey in 2014 down overall by nine percent. The decisive factor was not next year, how much support Gazprom, but how much could sell it, Kupriyanov. Said
Gazprom has problems but also on the internal market. Other vendors such as Novatek, Rosneft and Lukoil have made good ground and prove to be more flexible in price and contract negotiations. According to an estimate of Sberbank CIB, Gazprom’s competitors have their market share this year to nearly double to 35 percent.

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