Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Russia committed to state-owned enterprises to foreign exchange sale –

Russia committed to state-owned enterprises to foreign exchange sale –

The Russian currency has grown again on Tuesday. Dollar and Euro lost at times more than five per cent to 52.8 and 64.0 rubles. According to the Russian newspaper “Kommersant” Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has committed Russian state corporations to use their foreign money reserves to support the domestic currency. Companies such as Gazprom or Rosneft could sell foreign currency at the volume of about one billion dollars a day over the next two months. Affected are, inter alia, the energy companies Gazprom and Rosneft. The government in Moscow no comments on these first


The central bank announced in a statement talks with export company with a

stabilization of the foreign exchange market to. Regular sales of foreign currencies during the year are also in the interests of corporations, it said.

Because of the stresses of the Russian economy by Western sanctions because of the Ukraine-conflict and oil price Rutsches the past few months had the ruble center December within days lost more than 20 percent of its value. Thanks to various support measures by the central bank, he has now stabilized


(APA / Reuters)


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