customs duty on grain instead of an export prohibition drives Moscow for each tonne exported grain at least 35 EUR to customs duties, in order that, in view of the ruble decay to secure supply in the country. The levy was decided by decree, it is inserted February for five months.
customs duty on grain
Instead of an export ban Moscow drives for each tonne exported Cereal at least 35 EUR a customs duty, to secure the supply in the country in the face of the ruble decay. The tax was
decided by decree
, it is inserted February for five months. On the world market, cereals
job structure has become more expensive as early as the last week because it was feared, the third largest grain exporter might as last ban 2010, the export. Only moderately?
The Federal Employment Agency (BA) expects in 2015, although employment is growing – but not with strong job growth. The number of unemployed will decline only slightly – probably 20 000 to around 2.88 million in annual average. “The trend we still see improvements. But this will not continue in its present speed,” said BA chief executive Frank-Jürgen Weise. This year, visitors should expect an average of 2.9 million unemployed. That would be around 50 000 fewer than-2013.
More bankruptcies in sight
The number of bankruptcies in
Euler Hermes Chief Economist Ludovic Subran. 2014 about 6 percent fewer companies were in Germany slipped into the
Bankrupt as the year before.
Several mobile operators want to share with Deutsche Bahn improve the mobile internet reception. “Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica and the train schedule as soon as possible equip all long-distance trains with new repeaters, which then relay radio signals from the outside into the cars,” said the CEO of Vodafone Germany, Jens Schulte-Bockum, the “Rheinische Post “. To date, installed in the 260 ICE repeater conduct while speech signals with GSM mobile radio signals in the waggons on, the newer and more powerful UMTS and LTE signals but only partially.
Trouble for the uber-boss
The prosecutor’s office in South Korea has charges against the founder and head of the US car service Uber-agent, Travis Kalanick charged. Him and local business partners is accused violate any law to carry passengers zuhaben because they do not have the appropriate license to do so.

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